It is known that 248-1 can be divided by some two integers between 60 and 70, then the two numbers are () A. 61,62B. 61,63C. 63,65D. 65,67

It is known that 248-1 can be divided by some two integers between 60 and 70, then the two numbers are () A. 61,62B. 61,63C. 63,65D. 65,67

248-1 = (224) 2-1 = (224 + 1) (224-1) = (224 + 1) (212 + 1) (212-1) = (224 + 1) (212 + 1) (26 + 1) (26-1) = 63 × 65 × (224 + 1) (212 + 1), then the two numbers are 63 and 65 respectively