It is known that the solution of the system of equations ax + by = 5, cx-2by = 8 is x = 5, y = - 3. A classmate misread the value of C, and the solution is x = - 3, y = 3. Try to determine the value of a, B and C

It is known that the solution of the system of equations ax + by = 5, cx-2by = 8 is x = 5, y = - 3. A classmate misread the value of C, and the solution is x = - 3, y = 3. Try to determine the value of a, B and C

The correct and wrong solutions are introduced into the first equation respectively
-3A + 3B = 5, a = 5, B = 20 / 3
B and the correct solution are brought into the second equation
5C + 6 * 20 / 3 = 8, C = - 32 / 5
a=5 b=20/3 c=-32/5