How much does the house of 100 square meters need to do floor heating 30 days The house of 100 square meters is designed with 130W electric floor heating per square meter. The electricity charge is divided into three stages. How much is the electricity charge for 30 days

How much does the house of 100 square meters need to do floor heating 30 days The house of 100 square meters is designed with 130W electric floor heating per square meter. The electricity charge is divided into three stages. How much is the electricity charge for 30 days

130W / m2 * 100 m2 = electricity consumption per hour (when the floor heating of the whole house is turned on) and then calculate the step-by-step electricity consumption according to the local electricity price, such as: 1, 8:00-18:00 2 yuan / kwh; 2, 18:00-22:00 1.8 yuan / kwh; 3, 22:00-8:00 the next day