12 square meters of area I want to use 30 times 30 floor tiles, how many floor tiles do I need? How to calculate? Write a formula

12 square meters of area I want to use 30 times 30 floor tiles, how many floor tiles do I need? How to calculate? Write a formula

Let me give you an example. First of all, I counted 40 bricks in my house, and half of them were against the wall. I didn't count them. Then I measured my house with a meter ruler, which is more than 5 meters long and 3 meters wide, with a total area of 15 square meters! My floor tiles are 60x60! 60cm is 60cm, which means 0.6m! Length by width = m2, 0.6x0.6 = 0.36m2, Divide the total area by 0.36, which is 41.666 bricks! It's the same as my own number, because I didn't count less than half a brick!
The so-called: you are 0.3x0.3 = 0.09 area of a brick, with the total area of 12 square meters divided by 0.09 square meters of a brick = 133.33333!
Why do you have so many more bricks than me? Because: your bricks are too small. The length and width are half of my bricks, and one of my floor bricks is four times of yours!
Then you add on the side of the consumables, 135 or less, 140 or less is enough!