The larger the base of logarithm, the farther away the function image is from the positive direction of Y axis What is the meaning of "the farther away the function image is from the positive direction of y-axis"?

The larger the base of logarithm, the farther away the function image is from the positive direction of Y axis What is the meaning of "the farther away the function image is from the positive direction of y-axis"?

It should be said that: 1. No matter x becomes larger or smaller, the image always passes through (1,0) points (i.e. x = 1); 2. When the base number is > 1, the larger the base number is, the smaller the required y value is, and the closer the image is to the X axis. (the Y corresponding to each x falls, not far from or near the Y axis) 3. When the base number is < 1, the smaller the base number is