1. When an oil tanker sails in the Yangtze River, the volume of boiled water is 300 cubic meters. When 100 cubic meters of fuel oil is unloaded at the wharf, how many cubic meters of boiled water does the oil tanker discharge? 2. Give some examples of "ascending" depending on air buoyancy, and give some examples of "ascending" depending on air velocity?

1. When an oil tanker sails in the Yangtze River, the volume of boiled water is 300 cubic meters. When 100 cubic meters of fuel oil is unloaded at the wharf, how many cubic meters of boiled water does the oil tanker discharge? 2. Give some examples of "ascending" depending on air buoyancy, and give some examples of "ascending" depending on air velocity?

1 multiply the density of water by 300 minus the density of oil by 100, and then divide by the density of water
Hot air balloons, airships, airplanes, fighters, etc., paragliders