In tetrahedral oabc, if edges OA, OB and OC are perpendicular to each other, and OA = 1, OB = 2, OC = 3, G is the center of gravity of triangle ABC, then the vector og * (OA + ob + OC) is?

In tetrahedral oabc, if edges OA, OB and OC are perpendicular to each other, and OA = 1, OB = 2, OC = 3, G is the center of gravity of triangle ABC, then the vector og * (OA + ob + OC) is?

Take o as the origin, OC, ob, OC as the coordinate axis to establish the space coordinate system, C (3,0,0), B (0,2,0), a (0,0,1), take the midpoint e of BC, connect OE, AE, e (3 / 2,1,0), vector OE = (3 / 2,1,0), △ ABC center of gravity on AE, | eg | = | EA | / 3, according to the formula of fixed score point, | eg | / | GA | = 1 / 2, λ = 1 / 2, set re