N is an integer, and N is used to represent the following numbers: odd number, even number, multiple of 5, number divisible by 3, three consecutive integers, integer divisible by 5 and 1 N is an integer, and n denotes the following numbers: Odd numbers, even numbers, multiples of 5, numbers divisible by 3, three consecutive integers, integers divisible by 5 and 1

N is an integer, and N is used to represent the following numbers: odd number, even number, multiple of 5, number divisible by 3, three consecutive integers, integer divisible by 5 and 1 N is an integer, and n denotes the following numbers: Odd numbers, even numbers, multiples of 5, numbers divisible by 3, three consecutive integers, integers divisible by 5 and 1

Even number: 2n
Odd number: 2n + 1
The multiple of 3: 3N
Three consecutive integers: n-1, N.N + 1
Three consecutive odd numbers: 2n-1,2n + 1,2n + 3
Three continuous even numbers: 2n-2,2n, 2n + 2