In 0,1,2 ···, 100, how many numbers are divisible by 2 and 3 at the same time? Two two digit numbers, their greatest common divisor is 8, and their least common multiple is 96. The sum of these two numbers is ()

In 0,1,2 ···, 100, how many numbers are divisible by 2 and 3 at the same time? Two two digit numbers, their greatest common divisor is 8, and their least common multiple is 96. The sum of these two numbers is ()

In 0,1,2 ···, 100, there are 16 numbers that can be divided by 2 and 3 at the same time
Two two digit numbers. Their greatest common divisor is 8 and their least common multiple is 96. The sum of the two numbers is 80 (the two numbers are 32 and 48)