There are 20 natural numbers, among which the odd number is more than the even number, and the sum of them is 100. How many of these 20 natural numbers are even at least?

There are 20 natural numbers, among which the odd number is more than the even number, and the sum of them is 100. How many of these 20 natural numbers are even at least?

The sum of 20 natural numbers is 100, which means that the number of odd numbers is even and the number of even numbers is even
Since odd number is more than even number, odd number should be more than 10 and even number less than 10
If these 20 natural numbers are not repeated, the sum is 210 > 100, so they do not exist
If these 20 natural numbers can be repeated, all of them can be odd, that is, the number of even numbers is at least 0. (of course, it can also be 2, 4, 6, 8)