The squares of natural numbers are arranged from small to large in the order of 1491623649 What's the number on position 346? There are 126 books divided into several parts on average, no less than 12 and no more than 40 for each part. How many different methods are there?

The squares of natural numbers are arranged from small to large in the order of 1491623649 What's the number on position 346? There are 126 books divided into several parts on average, no less than 12 and no more than 40 for each part. How many different methods are there?

I can be very responsible to tell the landlord, the first question is on the second floor
I wrote a program with C # to do the first question (I'm too lazy to think about the rules, ha ha), and the result is 9. I don't believe I can copy all the first 500 numbers!
In the second question, I think both of you have misunderstood the meaning of the question. How many kinds of points are there