A natural number is decomposed into the product of three prime factors. The sum of the squares of the three numbers is 39630

A natural number is decomposed into the product of three prime factors. The sum of the squares of the three numbers is 39630

The natural number is 19900
Its three prime factors are 2,5199
Thinking analysis: the qualitative factors are 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37
After all the prime factors are squared, it is observed that
Except for the square of 2 and 5, the single digits after the square of other prime factors are 1 and 9
The sum of the squares of the three prime factors is 39630 (the number of digits is 0)
Only the square of 2 and 5 can be added with other squares to get a number with zero digits
SO 2 and 5 are its two prime factors
That 4 + 25 + x ^ 2 = 39630
The solution is x = 199
So the natural number is 19900 (2 * 5 * 199)