Put 1,2,3 The 100 natural numbers are randomly divided into 50 groups with two numbers in each group. Now, one of the two numbers in each group is recorded as a and the other as B

Put 1,2,3 The 100 natural numbers are randomly divided into 50 groups with two numbers in each group. Now, one of the two numbers in each group is recorded as a and the other as B

Use A1, A2, A3, A4 for the larger number in each group A 50 denotes a smaller number, using B1, B2 B50 means (| A-B | + A + b) = (a-b + A + b) the sum of these 50 values is (a1-b1 + A1 + B1 + A2-B2 + A2 + B2 +a50-b50+a50+b50)= (a1+a2+a3+… +a50-b1-b2-… -b50+a1+b...