Three judgment questions in exercises of prime number and composite number 1) (2) 3 is a divisor and 12 is a multiple 3) 16 is a multiple of 16 and a divisor of 16. 4) 1 is a divisor of any natural number 5) Because 5 △ 2 = 2.5, 5 is a multiple of 2 and 2 is a divisor of 5 6) 0 is a natural number and also an integer. () 7) 48 is divisible by 6, and 48 is divisible by 6 8) The divisor of a number is always smaller than the multiple. (9) natural numbers can be divided into prime numbers and composite numbers according to the number of divisors 10) The number of bits divisible by 3 is 3, 6, 9. (11) 29 is divisible by 5 12) 21 △ 7 = 3, 21 is a multiple, 7 is a divisor. (13) because 2.8 △ 0.7 = 4, 2.8 can be divided by 0.7 14) 15) odd plus odd, sum must be even 16) Even number × odd number = even number () 17) even numbers greater than 2 are composite numbers 18) Even numbers are composite numbers, prime numbers are odd numbers. () 19) the product of two prime numbers must be composite numbers 20) The sum of two prime numbers must be a composite number Fill in "right" or "wrong" in parentheses. Write down some controversial questions and your reasons For example; 13) Because 2.8 △ 0.7 = 4, 2.8 can be divided by 0.7 If right, why right, if wrong, why wrong, explain

Three judgment questions in exercises of prime number and composite number 1) (2) 3 is a divisor and 12 is a multiple 3) 16 is a multiple of 16 and a divisor of 16. 4) 1 is a divisor of any natural number 5) Because 5 △ 2 = 2.5, 5 is a multiple of 2 and 2 is a divisor of 5 6) 0 is a natural number and also an integer. () 7) 48 is divisible by 6, and 48 is divisible by 6 8) The divisor of a number is always smaller than the multiple. (9) natural numbers can be divided into prime numbers and composite numbers according to the number of divisors 10) The number of bits divisible by 3 is 3, 6, 9. (11) 29 is divisible by 5 12) 21 △ 7 = 3, 21 is a multiple, 7 is a divisor. (13) because 2.8 △ 0.7 = 4, 2.8 can be divided by 0.7 14) 15) odd plus odd, sum must be even 16) Even number × odd number = even number () 17) even numbers greater than 2 are composite numbers 18) Even numbers are composite numbers, prime numbers are odd numbers. () 19) the product of two prime numbers must be composite numbers 20) The sum of two prime numbers must be a composite number Fill in "right" or "wrong" in parentheses. Write down some controversial questions and your reasons For example; 13) Because 2.8 △ 0.7 = 4, 2.8 can be divided by 0.7 If right, why right, if wrong, why wrong, explain

1) 7 can be divided by 28. (wrong) 2) 3 is a divisor and 12 is a multiple. (wrong) 3) 16 is a multiple of 16 and a divisor of 16. 4) 1 is a divisor of any natural number. (right) (right) 5) 5 is a multiple of 2 and 2 is a divisor of 5 because 5 / 2 = 2.5. (wrong) 6) 0 is a natural number and an integer. (right) 7) 48