Square of a + square of ax-b + BX factorization factor 1. Use the square difference formula to get the value of (2 + 1) (the square of 2 + 1) (the fourth power of 2 + 1) (the eighth power of 2 + 1) (the 64th power of 2 + 1)

Square of a + square of ax-b + BX factorization factor 1. Use the square difference formula to get the value of (2 + 1) (the square of 2 + 1) (the fourth power of 2 + 1) (the eighth power of 2 + 1) (the 64th power of 2 + 1)

aa+ax-bb+bx=aa+(a+b)x-bb=(a+b)(a-b)+x(a+b)=(a+b)(a-b+x) (2+1)(2*2+1)(2^4+1).(2^64+1)=(2-1)(2+1)(2^2+1).(2^64+1)=(2^4-1)(2^4+1).(2^64+1)=2^128-1 =340282366920938463463374607431768211455