What is twenty-five degrees Fahrenheit equal to

What is twenty-five degrees Fahrenheit equal to

Conversion of centigrade (c) and Fahrenheit (f) temperature units:
F = (9 / 5) * C + 32 or C = (5 / 9) * (f-32) ~ according to his experiment, wallenheit set the freezing point at 32 degrees and the boiling point at 212 degrees, which is the Fahrenheit temperature, expressed by "F". The conversion formula: C = 5 / 9 (f-32) f = 9 / 5 (c + 32) Note: C stands for centigrade; F stands for Fahrenheit. For example, 17 degrees centigrade is converted to Fahrenheit. 1 degree centigrade = 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit
One degree Fahrenheit equals 5 / 9 degrees centigrade, and it's easy to switch between them. 25 degrees Fahrenheit equals minus 4 degrees centigrade