Let's relax and play a number game Step 1: take a natural number N1 = 5 [N1's 1 is the small one in the lower right corner, because it's too troublesome to play, so it's not so clear. Please forgive me.], calculate N1 & # 178; + 1 to get A1; Step 2: calculate the sum of all the numbers of A1 to get N2, calculate N2 & # 178; + 1 to get A2; Step 3: calculate the sum of the numbers of A2 to get N3, and then calculate N3 & # 178; + 1 to get A3 If you list them in turn, you will see 2008=________ .

Let's relax and play a number game Step 1: take a natural number N1 = 5 [N1's 1 is the small one in the lower right corner, because it's too troublesome to play, so it's not so clear. Please forgive me.], calculate N1 & # 178; + 1 to get A1; Step 2: calculate the sum of all the numbers of A1 to get N2, calculate N2 & # 178; + 1 to get A2; Step 3: calculate the sum of the numbers of A2 to get N3, and then calculate N3 & # 178; + 1 to get A3 If you list them in turn, you will see 2008=________ .

N1 = 5, then A2008 = 26