emergency 2、 Structure of eukaryotic cells 5. Cell wall:_________ There is a cell wall outside the cell, and the main chemical composition is_________ Its function is to support and protect. Its nature is transparent (prokaryotes also have cell walls, the main components of which are 6. The main components of cell membrane are as follows_________ 、___________ 、_________ 7. The structure of cell membrane was as follows_________ It is the basic scaffold of cell membrane_________ ;________ It combines with bilayer phospholipid molecules in three ways: covering, penetrating and inlaying_________ It is related to cell recognition, with glycoprotein side indicating that it is cellular_________ . 8. The structure and function of cell membrane are as follows_____________ For example, pseudopodia can extend from any part of amoeba, and some human leukocytes can phagocytize bacteria. The completion of these physiological functions depends on the fluidity of cell membrane 10. The cytoplasm mainly consists of__ And__ . 11. The organelles involved in the synthesis, transportation and secretion of secretory proteins such as insulin are as follows_ In the process of insulin synthesis, the place of synthesis is________ ¬¬¬¬¬____ Insulin is transported through___________ To do this, insulin needs to be processed before it is secreted___________ In the process of synthesis and secretion___________ Provide energy 11. In eukaryotic cells, the organelles with bilayer membrane structure are:________ ¬¬¬¬¬__ 、__________ ¬¬¬¬¬____ The organelles with monolayer structure are as follows________ ¬¬¬¬¬____ 、________ ¬¬¬¬¬____ 、____________ &What is not membrane structure_______ 、_ ¬¬¬________ ¬¬¬¬¬____ In addition, the nuclear membrane of the nucleus is________ &Cell membrane is a kind of membrane____________ But they are not organelles 12. Differences between animal and plant cells: plant cells have____________ And____________ However, animal cells did not, and mature plant cells had obvious differentiation____________ But not in animal cells; in lower plant and animal cells____________ In addition, higher plant cells do not____________ It plays different roles in animal and plant cells 14. The nucleus exists in most eukaryotic cells; there is no real nucleus in prokaryotic cells; and there is no nucleus in some eukaryotic cells____________ . 15. Nuclear structure: a____________ Control the flow of substances into and out of the nucleus, and____________ The membrane is connected to facilitate the transport of materials____________ It is the channel for macromolecular substances to enter and leave the nucleus and the incoherent part on the nuclear membrane; c、____________ In cell cycle____________ The period disappeared____________ The period of time appeared d、____________ It is a dark colored substance in the nucleus which is easy to be dyed by alkaline dyes____________ And___________ Composition. Yes____________ Two substances in____________ There are two different forms of cells in the period! (3) Nuclear function: Yes____________ It is the place of storage and replication; it is the control center of cell genetic characteristics and metabolic activities 1. The chemical essence of most enzymes is (the site of synthetase is mainly hydrolase), and some are 2. The characteristics of enzyme: under certain conditions, it can make the complex chemical reaction in organism quickly, and the sum of enzyme before and after reaction does not change 3. The characteristics of enzyme: ①: the catalytic efficiency is much higher than that of inorganic catalyst. ②: each enzyme can only catalyze chemical reactions of compounds. ③ the enzyme needs appropriate and other conditions: too acid, too alkali and high temperature, which can destroy the enzyme and make it active 4. Enzymes are produced by living cells and work both inside and outside the cells. For example, digestive enzymes work in the digestive tract. Most enzymes are controlled by their synthesis, so the decisive factor of enzymes is 5. It is necessary to remove the cell wall without damaging the internal structure of the cell. The correct idea is that the main component of the cell wall is specific, and the removal of the cell wall should be selected to decompose it

emergency 2、 Structure of eukaryotic cells 5. Cell wall:_________ There is a cell wall outside the cell, and the main chemical composition is_________ Its function is to support and protect. Its nature is transparent (prokaryotes also have cell walls, the main components of which are 6. The main components of cell membrane are as follows_________ 、___________ 、_________ 7. The structure of cell membrane was as follows_________ It is the basic scaffold of cell membrane_________ ;________ It combines with bilayer phospholipid molecules in three ways: covering, penetrating and inlaying_________ It is related to cell recognition, with glycoprotein side indicating that it is cellular_________ . 8. The structure and function of cell membrane are as follows_____________ For example, pseudopodia can extend from any part of amoeba, and some human leukocytes can phagocytize bacteria. The completion of these physiological functions depends on the fluidity of cell membrane 10. The cytoplasm mainly consists of__ And__ . 11. The organelles involved in the synthesis, transportation and secretion of secretory proteins such as insulin are as follows_ In the process of insulin synthesis, the place of synthesis is________ ¬¬¬¬¬____ Insulin is transported through___________ To do this, insulin needs to be processed before it is secreted___________ In the process of synthesis and secretion___________ Provide energy 11. In eukaryotic cells, the organelles with bilayer membrane structure are:________ ¬¬¬¬¬__ 、__________ ¬¬¬¬¬____ The organelles with monolayer structure are as follows________ ¬¬¬¬¬____ 、________ ¬¬¬¬¬____ 、____________ &What is not membrane structure_______ 、_ ¬¬¬________ ¬¬¬¬¬____ In addition, the nuclear membrane of the nucleus is________ &Cell membrane is a kind of membrane____________ But they are not organelles 12. Differences between animal and plant cells: plant cells have____________ And____________ However, animal cells did not, and mature plant cells had obvious differentiation____________ But not in animal cells; in lower plant and animal cells____________ In addition, higher plant cells do not____________ It plays different roles in animal and plant cells 14. The nucleus exists in most eukaryotic cells; there is no real nucleus in prokaryotic cells; and there is no nucleus in some eukaryotic cells____________ . 15. Nuclear structure: a____________ Control the flow of substances into and out of the nucleus, and____________ The membrane is connected to facilitate the transport of materials____________ It is the channel for macromolecular substances to enter and leave the nucleus and the incoherent part on the nuclear membrane; c、____________ In cell cycle____________ The period disappeared____________ The period of time appeared d、____________ It is a dark colored substance in the nucleus which is easy to be dyed by alkaline dyes____________ And___________ Composition. Yes____________ Two substances in____________ There are two different forms of cells in the period! (3) Nuclear function: Yes____________ It is the place of storage and replication; it is the control center of cell genetic characteristics and metabolic activities 1. The chemical essence of most enzymes is (the site of synthetase is mainly hydrolase), and some are 2. The characteristics of enzyme: under certain conditions, it can make the complex chemical reaction in organism quickly, and the sum of enzyme before and after reaction does not change 3. The characteristics of enzyme: ①: the catalytic efficiency is much higher than that of inorganic catalyst. ②: each enzyme can only catalyze chemical reactions of compounds. ③ the enzyme needs appropriate and other conditions: too acid, too alkali and high temperature, which can destroy the enzyme and make it active 4. Enzymes are produced by living cells and work both inside and outside the cells. For example, digestive enzymes work in the digestive tract. Most enzymes are controlled by their synthesis, so the decisive factor of enzymes is 5. It is necessary to remove the cell wall without damaging the internal structure of the cell. The correct idea is that the main component of the cell wall is specific, and the removal of the cell wall should be selected to decompose it

5. Cell wall:___ Plants______ There is a cell wall outside the cell, and the main chemical composition is__ Cellulose pectin_______ Prokaryotes also have cell walls, the main components of which are__ Peptidoglycan 6. The main components of cell membrane are as follows___ Phospholipids______ ...