In natural numbers less than 5000, the number that can be divided by 11 but not by 5 and 7 is ()

In natural numbers less than 5000, the number that can be divided by 11 but not by 5 and 7 is ()

0 "= 11n" = 5000 0 "= n" 455, 455 in total
If it is not divisible by 5, it must be divisible by 11, then it is 55
0 "= 55n" = 5000 0 "= n" 91, a total of 91
If it is not divisible by 7, it must also be divisible by 11, then it is 77
0 "= 77n" = 5000 0 "= n" 65, 65 in total
If it is not divisible by 5 and 7, it must also be divisible by 11. Then it is 350
0 > = 350n > = 50000 > = 13, 13 in total
So 455-91-65 + 13 = 312
(the result I got considers that 0 is a natural number, and the meaning of the problem is that it can be divided by 5 without considering 7, that is, 55 must be eliminated.)