Factorization: the fourth power of X - the third power of 2x - the square of 27x - 44x + 7

Factorization: the fourth power of X - the third power of 2x - the square of 27x - 44x + 7

For Baidu's reference, the undetermined coefficient method is to set the original formula = (X & # 178; + ax + 1) (X & # 178; + BX + 7) or = (X & # 178; + AX-1) (X & # 178; + bx-7) [because the first term can be decomposed into X & # 8308; = x & # 178; * X & # 178; the last term can be decomposed into 7 = 1 * 7 or (- 1) * (- 7)] and then open the bracket and merge the similar terms