Define "equal sum of squares sequence": in a sequence, if the sum of squares of each term and its subsequent term is equal to the same

Define "equal sum of squares sequence": in a sequence, if the sum of squares of each term and its subsequent term is equal to the same

an^2 + an-1 ^ 2 = M
an-1 ^ 2 + an-2 ^2 = M
An ^ 2 - An-2 ^ 2 = (an + An-2) (an - An-2) = 0 holds, so there are two cases
An + An-2 = 0 or an - An-2 = 0
Set any constant C1, C2
This is what {an} looks like:
C1,C2,+/-C1,+/-C2 ,+/-C1,+/-C2 ,+/-C1,+/-C2 ...