Given the line segments a, m, h, calculate △ ABC, such that BC = a, the height above it is h, and the central line of AC is m. (draw with ruler and compasses, and write the drawing steps)

Given the line segments a, m, h, calculate △ ABC, such that BC = a, the height above it is h, and the central line of AC is m. (draw with ruler and compasses, and write the drawing steps)

Take B as the center of the circle and m as the radius to make the circle. Take any diameter and record it as de. use a compass to take DF = h on the circle and connect DF and ef. Make a straight line BG through B to make BG ‖ EF. Cut a line BC on the straight line BG to make BC = a, connect CD and extend it. Use a compass to cut DA on the extension line of CD to make Da = DC and connect AB to make a triangle ABC