A three digit number is represented by ABC. It is known that it can be divided by 2.3.5 and a + C = 8. What is the three digit number? What's the formula

A three digit number is represented by ABC. It is known that it can be divided by 2.3.5 and a + C = 8. What is the three digit number? What's the formula

The three digits are represented by ABC as 100A + 10B + C
Can be divided by 2, the number of digits must be 0 or even
Can be divided by 5, the single digit must be 0 or 5
Therefore, it is determined that the single digit is 0, that is, C = 0
Then a = 8 is obtained from a + C = 8
If a + B + C is divisible by 3, then a + B + C is divisible by 3
That is, 8 + B can be divided by 3
Then B should be one of 1, 4 and 7
So the number is
810 840 870