How is the speed of light measured?

How is the speed of light measured?

At the beginning of the 17th century, Galileo used the method of measuring the speed of sound to measure the speed of light. He asked two people to carry a light with a baffle and stand about 1.6 kilometers apart. He asked the first person to turn on his light first and start timing at the same time. When the second person saw the first person's light on, he immediately turned on his own light. When the first person saw the second person's light on, he stopped timing, In principle, Galileo's method was right, but the experiment failed. This is because the speed of light is so great that it can go around the earth for more than one seventh of a second. It is difficult to measure the speed of light on the earth with the usual method of measuring the speed of sound depending on the conditions at that time, About 30 years after Galileo's death, Romer, the king of Denmark, pointed out in 1676 that the speed of light was limited in observing the eclipse of Jupiter
In 1834, British physicist Wheatstone used a rotating mirror to measure the duration of electric spark. He also wanted to use this method to measure the speed of light. At the same time, he also wanted to confirm whether the speed of light is greater in the medium with larger refractive index. Wheatstone's method of thinking was correct, but he did not complete it
He was the first person to measure the speed of light without astronomical constant or astronomical observation. He measured the speed of light by rotating gears. The measured speed of light was 342539.21 km / s, The difference between this value and the speed of light recognized by astronomers at that time is very small
Foucault is famous for his "Foucault Pendulum" experiment in the history of physics. In the study of measuring the speed of light, he used the method of rotating plane mirror to measure the speed of light. The measured speed of light is 29.8 × 107 M / s, and the error of the experiment can not exceed 5 × 105 m / s
On May 6, 1850, Foucault reported his experimental results to the Academy of Sciences, and found that the speed of light in water is smaller than that in air, which proved that the viewpoint of wave theory is correct
Michelson (American, a.a.michelson, 1852-1931) inherited Foucault's experimental idea and measured the speed of light at 299796 km / s with the method of rotating octahedral prism