To calculate the ratio, the formula is 0.52:1.3, 2:12:7, and the simple ratio is 1.25:2.5, 4:0.125

To calculate the ratio, the formula is 0.52:1.3, 2:12:7, and the simple ratio is 1.25:2.5, 4:0.125

The formula is 0.52:1.3 = 52:130 = 2 * 26: (5 * 26) = 2:5
2 / 3:7 / 12 = 2 / 3: (7 / 12) = 2 / 3 * (12 / 7) = 8:7
The ratio of simplicity is 1.25:2.5, 4 / 9:0.125
=1.25:2.5:2.25:0.125 (all divided by 0.125)