Cut a cylinder into two half cylinders with a square section. The volume of each half cylinder is known to be 25.12 cubic centimeter. Calculate the surface area of the half cylinder

Cut a cylinder into two half cylinders with a square section. The volume of each half cylinder is known to be 25.12 cubic centimeter. Calculate the surface area of the half cylinder

The volume of each half cylinder is 25.12 cubic centimeter, the original volume of the cylinder is 25.12 * 2 = 50.24 cubic centimeter, the section is a square, the diameter of the ground is equal to the height, the volume of the cylinder is Pai * R ^ 2 * H = 50.242r = HR = 2cm, H = 4cm, the surface area of the half cylinder is (2pai * r * H + 2pai * R ^ 2) / 2 + 2R * H = 8pai + 4pai +