If the mass ratio of a and B is 3:5 and the volume ratio is 1:2, then the density ratio of a and B is 0______ If their masses are equal, then the ratio of their volumes is______ .

If the mass ratio of a and B is 3:5 and the volume ratio is 1:2, then the density ratio of a and B is 0______ If their masses are equal, then the ratio of their volumes is______ .

The density ratio of metal block is ρ 1 ρ 2 = m1v1m2v2 = m1v1 × v2m2 = 35 × 21 = 65, and the volume ratio of metal block is V1V2 = M1 ρ 1m2 ρ 2 = M1 ρ 1 × ρ 2M2 = 11 × 56 = 56