I need to know the meaning and difference of road slope and longitudinal slope and how to calculate them

I need to know the meaning and difference of road slope and longitudinal slope and how to calculate them

Slope is the degree of steepness of surface unit. The ratio of vertical height h to horizontal width l of slope is called slope (or slope ratio) and is expressed by letter I
There are four ways to express slope: percentage method, degree method, density method and fraction method
(1) Percentage method
The most commonly used method to express the slope is the percentage of the elevation difference between two points and its horizontal distance. The calculation formula is as follows: slope = (elevation difference / horizontal distance) X100%
When expressed as a percentage,
I = H / L × 100%
For example: slope 3% refers to the horizontal distance of every 100 meters, vertical direction up (down) 3 meters; 1% refers to the horizontal distance of every 100 meters, vertical direction up (down) 1 meters!
Longitudinal gradient:
Longitudinal slope is the upward and downward gradient of the road
The longitudinal gradient is the longitudinal gradient of the subgrade (pavement), which is also the gradient of the route. The gradient should not be too small (not conducive to drainage) or too steep (not conducive to driving and safety). At the same time, there are certain restrictions on the length of the slope. When calculating, divide the elevation difference by the horizontal distance, that is to say, the gradient value is expressed in percentage
The maximum longitudinal slope value of highways at all levels is as follows:
Plain micro mound (%) mountain heavy mound (%)
High speed 3, 5
Level 1 4, 6
Secondary 5, 7
Level 3 6, 8
Level 4 6, 9
Attached cross slope:
The cross slope is the gradient of subgrade (pavement) in the cross-section direction, generally 2%, which is for the convenience of drainage, especially when the longitudinal slope is small; in the bend, in order to offset the centrifugal force, it is necessary to set super-high, that is, low inside bend and high outside bend