When an aircraft takes off, the speed should reach 216KM / h, and the aircraft starts to taxi with uniform acceleration from standstill. The acceleration is 2m / S2, and the runway of the airport should at least When an aircraft takes off at a speed of 216KM / h, the aircraft begins to taxi with constant acceleration from standstill, and the acceleration is 2m / S2. How long is the runway of the airport at least to take off safely?

When an aircraft takes off, the speed should reach 216KM / h, and the aircraft starts to taxi with uniform acceleration from standstill. The acceleration is 2m / S2, and the runway of the airport should at least When an aircraft takes off at a speed of 216KM / h, the aircraft begins to taxi with constant acceleration from standstill, and the acceleration is 2m / S2. How long is the runway of the airport at least to take off safely?
