1. Root ((- a) ^ 3) - A ^ 2 - root (1 / a) + root a ^ 2 2. Absolute value (1999-a) + root (a-2001) = a to find the value of (a-1999) ^ 2 3. Y = 3 / 3 (radical (24-8x) + radical (x-3) + 1) 4. X ^ 2 + 4Y ^ 2 + 4y-4x + 5 = 0 find the value of the root sign (x ^ 2-y ^ 2) The third problem is to find the value of x ^ 2000 and Y ^ 2001

1. Root ((- a) ^ 3) - A ^ 2 - root (1 / a) + root a ^ 2 2. Absolute value (1999-a) + root (a-2001) = a to find the value of (a-1999) ^ 2 3. Y = 3 / 3 (radical (24-8x) + radical (x-3) + 1) 4. X ^ 2 + 4Y ^ 2 + 4y-4x + 5 = 0 find the value of the root sign (x ^ 2-y ^ 2) The third problem is to find the value of x ^ 2000 and Y ^ 2001

1. The original formula = - A ^ 3-A ^ 2-radical (1 / a) + |a | = - A ^ 2 (a + 1) - radical (1 / a) + |a|
2. From the meaning of the question, a-2001 > = 0, that is, a > = 2001. The conditional expression can be changed into: a-1999 + radical (a-2001) = a
That is: root (a-2001) = 1999, a = 1999 ^ 2 + 2001 = 3998002
3. Y = [√ (24-8x) + √ (x-3) + 1] / 3, should satisfy: 24-8x ≥ 0, x-3 ≥ 0, the solution is: x = 3, so y = 1 / 3;
4. Simplify the condition as: (x ^ 2-4x + 4) + (4Y ^ 2 + 4Y + 1) = 0, that is, (X-2) ^ 2 + (2Y + 1) ^ 2 = 0, we can know: x = 2, y = - 1 / 2
So: √ (x ^ 2-y ^ 2) = √ (4-1 / 4) √ 15 / 2

The function y = LG x is____ Function, in the interval___ Monotonic recursion on the surface____

LG | x | is an even function, monotonically decreasing on (-,, 0) and monotonically increasing on (+,, 0)

It is known that the functions y = ax and y = - BX are decreasing functions in the interval (0, + ∞). Try to determine the monotone interval of the function y = AX3 + bx2 + 5

∵ functions y = ax and y = - BX are both decreasing functions in the interval (0, + ∞), a < 0, B < 0. From y = AX3 + bx2 + 5, we get y ′ = 3ax2 + 2bx. Let y ′ > 0, that is, 3ax2 + 2bx > 0, ■ - 2b3a < x < 0. Therefore, when x ∈ (- 2b3a, 0), the function is an increasing function; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Let y ′ < 0, i.e. 3ax2 + 2bx < 0, X < - 2b3a or x > 0. Therefore, when x ∈ (- ∞, - 2b3a) and (0, + ∞), the function is a decreasing function; the monotone increasing interval of the function y = AX3 + bx2 + 5 is (- 2b3a, 0); the monotone decreasing interval is (- ∞, - 2b3a) and (0, + ∞)

A number is added, subtracted, and divided by itself. The sum, difference, and quotient are added again. The sum is 8.6. What is the number?

Let this number be X. from the meaning of the question, we can get: (x + x) + (x-x) + (x △ x) = 8.6, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2x + 1 = 8.6, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & n

It is known that the domain of the singular function f (x) is (- 2,2) and decreases monotonically on the domain if f (2-A) + F (2a-3)

If f (x) is an odd function, the domain is (- 2,2)
f(x)+f(-x)=0 x∈(0,2)

The positions of rational numbers a, B and C on the number axis are shown in the figure. Try to simplify | a + C | - | a-b-c | - | B-A | + | B + C|=______ .

According to the position of the point on the number axis: C < B < 0 < A, and | a | B | B | C | a + C < 0, a-b-c > 0, B-A < 0, B + C < 0, then the original formula = - a-c-a + B + C + b-a-b-c = - 3A + b-c

BX ay = - 2Ab - 2CY + 3bz = BC CX + AZ = 0, where ABC is not equal to 0. Please use Cramer's rule to solve linear equations. Thank you

From BX ay + 0 = - 2Ab (1)

English translation
1. Tony is buying some fruit
2. Lucy and Lily are doing their homework
I am singing at home
4. Kute is reading under the tree
We are visiting and taking pictures in the zoo

1.Tony is buying some fruit.2.Lucy and Lily are doing their homework.3.I'm singing at home.4.Kute is lying under the tree and reading a book.5.We are visiting the zoo and taking some photos.

In the triangle ABC, the angle c = 90 degrees, if AB = 6, CB = 8, then the height of AB is
There are no figures in the book, so it can't be provided

It's AC = 6, the height is 4.8, the product of two right angle sides is equal to the product of hypotenuse and the height on hypotenuse 6 * 8 = 10 * x x = 4.8

The situation of adding y to noun to adjective in English
Is this common? Can you give me some examples, the more the better
Is it fun

Of course, it's not fun
Various ways of changing nouns into adjectives
In English, sometimes adding different prefixes or suffixes before or at the end of nouns can become adjectives, such as: sleep → sleep → sleepy, help → helpful, etc
1、 A noun plus - y forms an adjective
Rain, rain, wind, windy
Cloud, cloudy, snow, snowy
Sun → sunny
[special reminder: don't forget to double write n]
Lucky, lucky, noise, noisy
[special reminder: don't forget to remove e]
Health → health
There are other ways besides adding Y!:
Various ways of changing nouns into adjectives
In English, sometimes adding different prefixes or suffixes before or at the end of nouns can become adjectives, such as: sleep → sleep → sleepy, help → helpful, etc
1. The noun plus - ful forms an adjective to express affirmation
Use → useful help → helpful harm → harmful forget → forgetful beauty → beautiful
Care, care, pain, pain
Marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel
2. A noun with less forms an adjective to express negation
Use → useless care → careless harm → harmless help → helpless
3. A noun plus - ly forms an adjective
Friend → friendly love → lovely month → monthly live → lively day → daily
4. In some countries, the adjective "ese" is added after the name of the country In the United States
China → Chinese → Japan → Japanese
5. Add - n to some nouns ending with vowels to form adjectives
Asia → Asian America → American
Australia → Australian
6. Add - ous after some nouns to form adjectives
Danger → dangerous fame → famous
[special reminder: don't forget to remove e]
7. A noun plus - en forms an adjective
Wood → wood → wood → gold → gold
8. Add - an after some nouns ending with vowels to form adjectives
Europe → European
9. Add - ish after some nouns to form adjectives
Fool, fool, Spain, Spanish
[special reminder: don't forget to remove I]