How many times is a number divided by one fifth?

How many times is a number divided by one fifth?

To divide a number by one-fifth is to expand it by five times

As shown in the figure, ⊙ O's radius O1A is the diameter of ⊙ O2, C is a point on ⊙ O1, o1c intersects ⊙ O2 at point B. if the radius of ⊙ O1 is 5cm and the length of AC is 110 of the circumference of ⊙ O1, then the length of AB is______ cm.

According to the radius of circle O2 is 2.5cm, the length of arc AB should be 72 × π × 2.5 △ 180 = π cm

The master and apprentice process 400 parts together. It takes two minutes for the master to process one part and three minutes for the apprentice to process one part. When the task is completed, how many parts will the master and apprentice process?

There are 2 + 3 = 5 apprentices per minute, so it takes 400 / 5 = 80 minutes. Master does 3 apprentices per minute, 3 * 80 = 240 apprentices in 80 minutes, and there are 2 * 80 = 160 apprentices in total

Given that the value of the algebraic formula (2x square + ax + y + 6) - (4bx square - 2x + 5Y + 4) has nothing to do with the value of the letter X, find the algebraic formula
3 (the square of a-the square of 2ab-b) - (the square of 4A + the square of AB + b)

(2x's square + ax + y + 6) - (4bx's Square - 2x + 5Y + 4) = 2x ^ 2 + ax + y + 6-4bx ^ 2 + 2x-5y + 4 = (2-4b) x ^ 2 + (a + 2) x-4y + 10 has nothing to do with the value of the letter X, so there are: 2-4b = 0, a + 2 = 0, B = 1 / 2, a = - 23 (a ^ 2-2ab-b ^ 2) - (4a ^ 2 + AB + B ^ 2) = 3A ^ 2-6ab-3b ^ 2-4a ^ 2-ab-b ^ 2 = - A ^ 2-7

1. If a = two thirds * b = C * three fifths = e divided by five sixths = D divided by three fourths, what is the order of a, B, C, D?
2. Seven tenths of an hour can be regarded as one hour (), and seven hours ()
3. Xiao Ming has read nine twentieth of a story book, and what he has read is 10 pages less than what he has not read. How many pages is there in this book?
4. Three quarters of a bucket of water is 15 kg. How many kg does the bucket weigh?

2、7/10 1/10

Given the function y = SiNx cos ^ 2x, X ∈ [π / 6,2 π / 3], then the value range of Y is

Let t = SiNx, then:

According to the rules of "24 o'clock" game, 3,4, - 6,10 each number can be used and can only be used once. Use the mixed operation method of rational numbers (addition, subtraction, multiplication, Division) to write two different formulas, so that the result is equal to 24. For example, for 1,2,3,4, you can do the operation: (1 + 2 + 3) × 4 = 24 (note that the above operation and 4 × (2 + 3 + 1) should be regarded as the operation of the same method


A quadratic polynomial about X. when x = 1, the value of the polynomial is 1. What is the sum of the coefficients (including the constant term) of the polynomial?
Please give reasons

Let the polynomial be ax ^ 2 + BX + C
When x = 1, it is calculated as follows:
That is, the sum of the coefficients is 1

How many square meters is one foot?

Feet is a unit of length. 1 foot = 0.3048 meters. How can it be converted to square meters

The position of rational numbers a and B on the number axis is shown in the figure, then the value of a + B ()
A. Greater than 0b. Less than 0C. Less than ad. greater than B

According to the meaning of the title: a < 0, b > 0, and the absolute value of a is less than the absolute value of B, a + b > 0, and b > A + b > 0, so choose a