The area of a rectangle is 375 square meters. Its length is 10 meters more than its width. How many meters are its length and width?

The area of a rectangle is 375 square meters. Its length is 10 meters more than its width. How many meters are its length and width?

If the width is x meters, the length is (x + 10) meters
The solution is x = 15, x + 10 = 25
A: it is 25 meters long and 15 meters wide

The area of a rectangle is s, the length is a, and the width is ()


The area of a rectangle is 84 square meters. Its length is 5 meters more than its width. The rectangle is () meters long and () meters wide

Area of rectangle = L * w = (W + 5) * w = w ^ 2 + 5 W = 84
Width ^ 2 + 5 width - 84 = 0
(W + 12) (W-7) = 0
Width = - 12m (rounding off)
Width = 7M
Length = 7 + 5 = 12m

Y = e ^ (3x-1) second derivative


A simple calculation method of 4 / 9 times 4 + 2 / 9 times 2 plus 1 / 9 times 2

4 out of 9 times 4 + 2 out of 9 times 2 plus 1 out of 9 times 2
=1 / 9 by 16 + 1 / 9 by 4 plus 1 / 9 by 2
=1 / 9 × (16 + 4 + 2)
=1 / 9 × 22
=22 out of 9
If you don't understand, you can ask
If you have any help, please remember to adopt it. Thank you

What's the quotient of subtracting the sum of the two numbers by the difference between two fifths and two thirds

(2 / 5 + 2 / 3) / (2 / 3-2 / 5) = 4

It is known that the solution of the equation 1 / 2 [1-x] = 1 + K and 3 / 4 [X-1] - 2 / 5 [3x + 2] about X are the same=
The sum of K / 10-3 / 2 [X-1] is 0. Try to find out how to get the value of K

First, the algebraic metric with X is used to express K, and the two equations are simplified respectively
The solution of equation (1) is as follows
The solution of equation (2) is as follows
Because the sum of the solutions of the equation is 0, so
The solution is as follows

-1+3-5+… -97 + 99 (clever calculation)

If the sum of every two adjacent terms is 2, there are 25 terms in total, then the original formula = 2x25 = 50

What is the minimum natural number with only 20 divisors? What is the sum of 20 divisors?

Let this number be p, then the standard decomposition formula is: P = P1 ^ R1 * P2 ^ R2 *... PK ^ rk (1.2... K is the subscript. ^ is the power; p1.p2.p3... PK is the prime number) then (R1 + 1) (R2 + 1)... (RK + 1) = 20 = 2 * 2 * 5 = 4 * 5 = 2 * 10. When it is the form of 2 * 2 * 5, we know: R1 = 1, R2 = 1, R3 = 4, so the minimum P = 2 ^ 4 * 3 * 5 = 240

If the value of x2 + 3x-5 is 7, then the value of 3x2 + 9x-2 is 7______ .

The value of ∵ x2 + 3x-5 is 7, ∵ x2 + 3x = 12, substituting into 3x2 + 9x-2, the original formula = 3 (x2 + 3x) - 2 = 3 × 12-2 = 34