Factorization of a ^ n + 2-10a ^ n + 1 + 25A ^ n

Factorization of a ^ n + 2-10a ^ n + 1 + 25A ^ n

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Factorization: x ^ 2 (x ^ 2-y ^ 2) - 12Y ^ 4

Original formula = x ^ 4-x ^ 2Y ^ 2-12y ^ 4

It is known that: as shown in the figure, the real numbers corresponding to points a, B, C and D are all integers. If point a corresponds to real number a, point B corresponds to real number B, and b-2a = 7, then the origin on the number axis should be______ Point

From the number axis, B-A = 3, ①, ∵ b-2a = 7, ②. By solving the equations composed of ① and ②, a = - 4, B = - 1, ∵ the origin of the number axis should be point C

3 (square of 5A - B + 2) - [square of 8A + (- 3b) + 6]

3 (square of 5A - B + 2) - [square of 8A + (- 3b) + 6]

How to change 380V power to 220V lighting

The power 380V is the effective value of the voltage between two live wires, and the voltage between one live wire and one zero wire becomes 220. Of course, it can also be realized by step-down transformer. The turn ratio is 19:11

It is known that real numbers x and y satisfy the condition that the square of x plus the square of Y minus 4x plus 2, y plus 5 equals 0, and the power of (x + 3Y) is equal to?

x^2+y^2-4x+2y+5=0 ,
The formula is (X-2) ^ 2 + (y + 1) ^ 2 = 0,
So x = 2, y = - 1,
So (x + 3Y) ^ 2008 = (2-3) ^ 2008 = (- 1) ^ 2008 = 1

Given a bulb voltage of 220 V, power of 40 W, what is its resistance


Two mathematical problems related to fractions
1: If x = - 2, the value of a / x ^ 3 + B / X - 7 is 5, then what is the value of the fraction when x = 2?
2: Given that x + 2 / a = 1, y = 1 + 1 / A, y is represented by an algebraic expression containing x, then y =?


4 square copper wire and 10 square aluminum wire whose load is big

10 square load, 10 square can pass 50 a current, while 4 square copper can only pass 30-40 a current

As shown in the figure, a 10 meter long ladder AB leans against a vertical wall AC. the vertical distance between the top of the ladder and the ground is 8 meters. If the top of the ladder slides 2 meters along the wall, how many meters does the bottom slide?

According to the meaning of the title, ab = 10m, AC = 8m, in the right angle △ ABC, BC = AB2 − ac2 = 6m, when the top falls 2m, that is, CA1 = 6m, in the right angle △ ca1b1, A1B1 = AB = 10m, CB1 = (& nbsp; B1a1) 2 − CA12 = 8m, and the sliding distance at the bottom is cb1-cb = 8m - 6m = 2m