7 / 10 of 1m, 1 / 10 of 7m, which is bigger Which is bigger, 7 / 6, 4 / 5, 5 / 6

7 / 10 of 1m, 1 / 10 of 7m, which is bigger Which is bigger, 7 / 6, 4 / 5, 5 / 6

7 / 10 of 1 m = 7 / 10 m
1 / 10 of 7m = 7m × 1 / 10 = 7 / 10m
So 7 / 10 of 1m is as big as 1 / 10 of 7m
7 / 6 = 70 / 60
5 / 4 = 75 / 60
6 out of 5 = 72 / 60
So 5 out of 4 > 6 out of 5 > 7 out of 6
So 5 out of 4

A two digit number, minus three times the sum of its digits, results in 23. The quotient of this two digit number divided by the sum of its digits is 5, and the remainder is 1. What are these two digits?

Let X be the ten digit number of this two digit number, and y be the number of each digit. According to the meaning of the question, we get 10x + y − 3 (x + y) = 2310 x + y = 5 (x + y) + 1, and the solution is x = 5Y = 6, so this two digit number is 56. A: this two digit number is 56

Carpenter to do a 50 cm long, 40 cm wide, 16 cm deep drawer, at least use wood______ Square centimeter

50 × 40 + 50 × 16 × 2 + 40 × 16 × 2, = 2000 + 1600 + 1280, = 4880 (square centimeter). A: at least 4880 square centimeter of wood should be used

Calculation: - 1 / 36 / (1 / 4 + 1 / 12-7 / 18-1 / 36) + (1 / 4 + 1 / 12-7 / 18-1 / 36) / - 1 / 36 this formula reflects the sum of the two parts. There is a certain relationship between the two parts. 1. What is the relationship between the two parts? 2. Which aspect is easier to calculate first? Give the answer. 3. Use the relationship in 1 to directly write the result of the other part. 4. According to the above analysis, get the result of the original formula

1. The former part and the latter part are reciprocal
2. It is convenient to calculate the first part and then the second part, (1 / 4 + 1 / 12-7 / 18-1 / 36) / (- 1 / 36)
3. The former part is equal to 1 / 3
4. Original formula = 10 / 3

Square of a + square of 4B = (a-2b)+____
The bottom radius of the cone is r, its height is (3x + 6), and its volume is____

Square of a + square of 4B = (a-2b)+__ 4ab__
The volume is π R & # 178; (3x + 6) / 3

Use six numbers to form two three digit numbers, so that the sum of them is equal to 800


General steps of addition subtraction elimination method
1._____________ 2.__________________ 3. Solving by substitution method; 4

1. Turn the coefficient of one of the unknowns into the same (or opposite) number;
2. By subtracting (or adding) to eliminate the unknown, a one variable linear equation is obtained;

How to understand the answer to the last question on page 47 of supplementary exercises of mathematics in Volume 1 of grade 6 of Jiangsu Education Press

Let the number on a digit be 2x / 3
2X of x-3 = 3
1 / 3 x = 3
X = 3 divided by 1 / 3
X = 3 times 3
2X of 3 = 2 of 3 times 9 = 6
A: the double digit is 96

For a cylindrical pool, the inner radius of the bottom is 2M and the height is 1.5m. What is the area of cement plastering around and on the bottom of the pool?

2 × 3.14 × 2 × 1.5 + 3.14 × 22, = 2 × 3.14 × 2 × 1.5 + 3.14 × 4, = 18.84 + 12.56, = 31.4 square meters; answer: the area of plastering cement is 31.4 square meters

The quotient of the number a divided by the number B is 0.25. How much is the number a divided by the number B multiplied by 10 at the same time

Or 0.25