A and B are prime numbers. The product of AXB must be a prime number B even number C combined number d odd number

A and B are prime numbers. The product of AXB must be a prime number B even number C combined number d odd number

Let's follow a very simple assumption, let a = 2, B = 3,
We can get that a * B is 6, not prime or odd, and exclude a and D
If a is 3 and B is 5, then a * B is 15 and B can be excluded
So the result is C

AXB + 4 = C, where a and B are prime numbers, C is an even number less than 100, and what is the maximum sum of a and B? AXB + 4 = C, where a and B are prime numbers


P is prime, and the second power of P Plus 1 is also prime. How much is the fifth power of P Plus 1?

Of all prime numbers, only 2 is even and the rest is odd
The square of an odd number is also an odd number. The square of an odd number plus 1 must be even, not prime
So the prime P that meets the condition can only be 2
Then p ^ 5 + 1997 = 32 + 1997 = 2029

It is known that the lengths of two sides of a triangle are 2 cm and 11 cm respectively, and the circumference is even. The third side is () cm

It is known that the lengths of two sides of a triangle are 2 cm and 11 cm respectively, and the circumference is even. The third side is (11) cm
According to the fact that the sum of two sides is greater than the third side and the difference between two sides is less than the third side, let the third side be a, then
Perimeter is even, 2 + 11 is odd, so a is odd
If you don't understand this problem, you can ask,

The greatest common divisor of 24 and 18 is______ The least common multiple is______ .

24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 318 = 2 × 3 × 3, so the greatest common factor of 24 and 18 is 2 × 3 = 6; the least common multiple of 24 and 18 is 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 72

Know how to calculate the slope angle of a straight line. For example, the slope of a straight line is - 2 / 3, and the slope angle is -

If the slope of the straight line exists, set K and its inclination angle is α, then:
K = Tan α, where α belongs to [0, π] and α ≠ π / 2
When k ≥ 0, that is, α belongs to [0, π / 2], α = arctan K;
When k

Change we like apples and banana to singular

I like apple and banana.
I like the apple and the banana.
I like apples and bananas
I like this apple and banana

Given the square of the parabola y = - x + MX + m + 4,1 prove that there are always two intersections between the parabola and the axis, and use m to express the distance between the two intersections
The distance between the two points is the smallest when the value of 3 m is used

Let - x ^ 2 + MX + m + 4 = 0, and the discriminant is m ^ 2 + 4 (M + 4) = m ^ 2 + 4m + 16 = (M + 2) ^ 2 + 12 > 0, which means that the quadratic equation has two unequal real roots, so there are always two intersection solutions 2 between the parabola and x-axis. According to Weida's theorem, we get X1 + x2 = MX1 * x2 = - M-4, so (x1 + x2) ^ 2 = m ^ 2 (x1-x2) ^ 2 = (x1 + x2) ^ 2-4x1x2 =

The tangent equation of curve y = xlnx at point x = 1 is______ .

By seeking the derivative function, we can get y ′ = 1, y = 0 when y ′ = LNX + 1x = 1. The tangent equation of curve y = xlnx at point x = 1 is y = X-1, that is, x-y-1 = 0, so the answer is: x-y-1 = 0

The parametric equation is transformed into the ordinary equation 1. X = 4 + 3T y = 2 + T 2. X = cos ^ 2 y = Sint 3. X = A / cost y = b * tant

X = 4 + 3T y = 2 + T 3Y = 6 + 3T subtract x-3y = - 2 x-3y + 2 = 02. X = cos ^ 2T y = sin square, add x + y ^ 2 = 13. X = A / cost cost = A / xy = b * tant y * coxt = b * sin t sin = ay / BX square, add 1 = a ^ 2 / x ^ 2 + A ^ 2Y ^ 2