What is the reciprocal of the sum of the smallest prime number and the smallest composite number______ .

What is the reciprocal of the sum of the smallest prime number and the smallest composite number______ .

The smallest prime number is 2, the smallest composite number is 4, 2 + 4 = 6, and the reciprocal of 6 is 16

What is the reciprocal of the product of the smallest prime number and the smallest composite number?

One sixth

Find the limit (x tends to negative 0) 2 ^ (1 / x) / arctanx

Limit (x tends to negative 0) 2 ^ (1 / x) / arctanx = limit (x tends to negative 0) 2 ^ (1 / x) * (- 1 / x ^ 2) * LN2 / (1 / (1 + x ^ 2)) = limit (x tends to negative 0) 2 ^ (1 / x) * ((1 + x ^ 2) / x ^ 2) * LN2 = - LN2 * limit (x tends to negative 0) 2 ^ (1 / x) / x ^ 2 = - LN2 * LIM (t --- > - ∞) T & # 178 / / 2 ^ (- t) = 0

After two squares of the same size are put together into a rectangle, the perimeter is 8 cm less than that of the original two squares. How much is the perimeter of the original square?

The perimeter of the rectangle is less than two sides of the original two squares, so the side length of the square is equal to 8 cm, so the side length of the square is equal to 4 cm, so the perimeter of the square is equal to 4 * 4 = 16 cm. The equation is: if the side length of the square is a, then the length of the long square is 2a, the width is a, the perimeter of the rectangle



Given vector M = {cosx, 1}, vector n = {root 3sinx, 1 / 2}, function f {x} = {m + n} * m, find the minimum positive period and increasing interval of function

Minimum positive period π, increasing interval K π - π / 3 ≤ x ≤ K π + π / 6

Can you work out the circumference and surface texture of a rectangle made of two squares with a side length of 8 cm?

The perimeter is 48CM
The area is 128 square centimeters

The circumference of the bottom surface of the cylinder is 25.12dm and the height is 10dm. What is the surface area of the cylinder in square decimeters?

The surface area of this cylinder is: 3.14 × (25.12 / 2 / 3.14) & 178; × 2 + 25.12 × 10

Why is root 50 five times root 2?

Root 50 = root (25 * 2) = root 25 * root 2 = 5 times root 2

The differential of y = radical (2-sinx) and y = e to the power (- 1 / x)

=e^(-1/x)/x² dx