Xiaojun and Xiaogang picked a total of 96 apples, of which Xiaojun picked three times as many as Xiaogang. How many more apples did Xiaojun pick than Xiaogang?

Xiaojun and Xiaogang picked a total of 96 apples, of which Xiaojun picked three times as many as Xiaogang. How many more apples did Xiaojun pick than Xiaogang?

There are 48 more apples

I have lived here for 17 years

I live here for 17 years
If I have lived here for 17 years, it is the present perfect tense: I have lived here for 17 years

Ah = 6B (A and B are not equal to 0), the greatest common factor of AB is ~, the least common multiple is ~


In a cuboid flume of 12 cm long and 6 cm wide, the water depth is 5 cm. Immerse a stone completely in the water, and the height of the water surface rises to 8 cm

Volume = 12 × 6 × (8-5)
=216 CC

Decomposition quality factor of 32
I don't know


If the length of a rectangle remains unchanged and the width increases by 2 meters, the area will increase by 12 square meters; if the width remains unchanged and the length increases by 3 meters, the area will also increase by 12 square meters______ Square meters

A: the original area of this rectangle is 24 square meters. So the answer is: 24

Prose is divided into three parts

Prose can be divided into narrative prose, lyric prose and argumentative prose
1. Narrative prose
Prose that mainly narrates characters, events and scenery is called narrative prose
This kind of prose is similar to short stories, but there are obvious differences. As far as narration is concerned, the events described in prose do not require the integrity of the plot, let alone the pursuit of twists and turns, while the requirements of narration in novels are much higher than those in prose. In addition, prose needs to be full of emotion in narration, The emotion of the novel is mainly reflected by the characters, and it does not need the author to express clearly. As far as writing people is concerned, the novel requires efforts to create typical characters, which are made up by the author. While the characters in prose are based on real people and real things, and some tailoring processing is carried out, focusing on the freehand description of the characters
According to the different emphases of this kind of prose, it can be divided into two types
It can be a story with a beginning and an end, such as Xu Dishan's life of falling flowers, or it can be a clip of several fragments, such as Lu Xun's from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore. It is the most significant difference between the narrative and the novel that the author's sincere feelings are poured into the narrative
Prose focuses on recording people, and the whole essay centers on the characters. It often grasps the character characteristics of the characters to draw a rough outline, and focuses on the basic temperament, character and mental outlook of the characters, such as Lu Xun's Mr. Fujino. Whether the characters are real or not is the difference between it and novels
In addition, there is another kind of prose that focuses on describing scenery. Except for some local records, this kind of prose mainly describes the scenery of a place. Its content is very extensive. The scenery of mountains and rivers, customs and customs, and places of interest all belong to the scope of travel, Exaggeration and fiction are not allowed, but it's not a photographic record, but the author's blending of emotion and scenery
2. Lyric prose
Prose mainly used to express the author's subjective feelings is called lyric prose
Emotion is the common feature of all prose, but compared with other prose, lyric prose has stronger emotion, richer imagination and more poetic language
Lyric Prose mainly uses symbolism, analogy, personification and other methods to convey the author's feelings through the description of external images. Therefore, lyric by scenery and expressing one's ambition by means of objects are the most commonly used techniques in this kind of prose. The method of expressing one's feelings directly can appear in the article, but it is rare to use this method in the whole article
The prose of expressing one's will by means of objects is symbolic prose. The author melts his emotion into a specific thing with symbolic meaning, and expresses his subjective emotion with the help of pictographic association or implication Association, such as most of Yang Shuo's prose, contradictory praise of Baiyang, etc
In the prose of expressing emotion by scenery, the emotion is embedded in the scenery, the scenery is endowed with life, the scenery is depicted clearly and the emotion is depicted secretly, so as to achieve the integration of emotion and scenery and the mutual generation of scenes, such as Zhu Ziqing's moonlight in the lotus pond and Liu Baiyu's sunrise
3. Argumentative prose
The prose which mainly publishes comments is called comment prose
It pays more attention to the expression of emotion than the lyric prose
It is different from the general argumentative writing. It uses facts and logic to reason, but mainly uses literary images
It has both vivid image and strict logic; it needs to move people with emotion and convince people with reason; it integrates form, emotion and reason, and integrates political theory with literature and art. Lu Xun's essays and Tao Zhu's style of pine trees are typical essays

The greatest common factor of 9 and 10

Because 1 × 3 × 3 = 9, 1 × 2 × 5 = 10
So the greatest common factor of 9 and 10 is 1

English translation
I like beef and tomato noodles______________
Would you like a large one__________ would  you like
We have two very new features____________
Do you want to make a wish?
The total number of people in the room is 20
Different countries have different answers

I like noodles with beef and tomato.
What size would you like?
We have two great brand new designs.
Would you like to make a wish?
There are a total of 20 people in the room.
Different answers would be given in different countries.

English translation
If you have an answer, you will get points

I'm sorry, I'm only in grade 4 to grade 5 in primary school. Please write the article and I'll translate it for you