The two warehouses A and B store 240 tons of grain in total. It is known that the grain in warehouse A is 3 / 7 of that in warehouse B In order to make the two warehouses have the same amount of grain, how much grain does warehouse B need to transport to warehouse a

The two warehouses A and B store 240 tons of grain in total. It is known that the grain in warehouse A is 3 / 7 of that in warehouse B In order to make the two warehouses have the same amount of grain, how much grain does warehouse B need to transport to warehouse a

3 + 7 = 10 3 divided by 10 = 3 / 10 240 times 3 / 10 = 72 (tons) 240 divided by 2 = 120 (tons)
120-72 = 48 (tons)
A: warehouse B needs to transport 48 tons of grain to warehouse a

Solve the mathematical equation 4x + 160 = 8x + 40

Solution 4x-8x = 40-160

The fraction unit is 19. The minimum true fraction is 19______ The maximum true fraction is______ The minimum false fraction is______ .

The minimum true score of 19 is 19, the maximum true score is 89, and the minimum false score is 99

It is known that a, B and C are equal difference sequence, the sum of the three numbers is 12, and a, B and C are equal ratio sequence


Percentage of the mathematical problem for experts to help me calculate, thanks again!
My salary is 6000 yuan a month, and then my daily allowance for business trip is 80 yuan. But the amount of one month's allowance can't exceed 15% of my salary. Who can help me calculate the amount of allowance I can get in one month?

That is to say, the upper limit of a month's subsidy is 6000 * 0.15 = 900. If you travel for a few days, you can get 80 subsidies a day. If you go beyond ten days, you won't get 900. Isn't that clear

In the isosceles triangle ABC, if B = C and SINB = 3 / 5, then cosa =?

Cos2b = 1-2sinb square = 7 / 25
So cosa = - 7 / 25

If an operation symbol ⊕, a ⊕ B = AB Ba, try to calculate the value of 4 ⊕ (3 ⊕ 2)
(Note: a ⊕ B = AB BA in the title is a ⊕ B = B power of a minus a power of B, because the power here cannot be typed.)


Let a be a square matrix of order n and a have n different eigenvalues

Fill in: sufficient
If a has n different eigenvalues, then a is similar to diagonal, but the inverse is not true

Put the nine numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 in the box to make the equation hold. How many different ways can you think of? □□□=12×□□□=13×□□□

According to the stem analysis, 327 = 12 × 654 = 13 × 981, or 273 = 12 × 546 = 13819

Multiplication of matrix
{3 6 2 1}[1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
I forgot how to multiply this matrix
Please write down the specific steps. Thank you

The first floor answer is the calculation method of the corresponding determinant of the matrix, not the multiplication of the matrix
Multiplication of matrix AB requires that the number of rows of B is the same as the number of columns of A
The value of the ijth element of multiplication is the I th line of a multiplied by the j th line of B