A forest farm planted 3000 trees last year. The number of trees planted this year is 20% less than that of last year. How many trees are planted this year

A forest farm planted 3000 trees last year. The number of trees planted this year is 20% less than that of last year. How many trees are planted this year

3000 × (1-20%) = 3000 × 0.8 = 2400 (trees)
A: 2400 trees have been planted this year
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Solving inequality lx-2l + LX + 3L ≥ 4

Segment discussion, open absolute value
When x

The supermarket promotion stipulates that three empty bottles can be exchanged for one bottle of drink. Xiaoqing and eight classmates only have enough money to buy six bottles, but each of them drank one bottle. Why

1) First buy A1 / A2 / A3, three bottles in total, and exchange for B1 (4 people drink) --- one more empty bottle. 2) buy A4 / A5, two more bottles. (2 people drink) --- two more empty bottles. 3) buy A6, and exchange 1 and 2 empty bottles for B2, two more bottles. (2 people drink) --- two more empty bottles. 4) borrow an empty bottle from the boss

Mathematics: define the operation process of the new operation symbol "*" as a * b = [(1 / 2) a] - [(1 / 3) b], try to solve the equation 2 * (2 * x) = 1 * X. ["/" is the fractional line]

According to the definition: 2 * (2 * x) = 2 * [(1 / 2) × 2 - (1 / 3) x] = 2 * [1 - (1 / 3) x] = (1 / 2) × 2 - (1 / 3) [1 - (1 / 3) x] = 1 - 1 / 3 + (1 / 9) x = 2 / 3 + (1 / 9) x 1 * x = (1 / 2) ×

It takes 10 hours for a bus and 15 hours for a freight car to go from a to B. now the two cars leave each other from two places. When they meet, the bus runs 240 kilometers. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

A: the distance between a and B is 400 km

Negative eight and two-thirds plus positive 4.5 is equal to?

It's 25 / 6 of negative

A and B go from a to B. A walks for 2 hours before B sets out. As a result, B arrives 15 minutes later than A. It is known that a's speed is 4 km / h and B's speed is 6 km / h. to find the distance between a and B, let a and B be x km, then the equation is a one circle one degree equation

Let AB be x km apart
According to the meaning of the question, we can get the following equation

0.2 = 1-24 parts x solution equation

2 = 1-24 x
I wish you a happy study!

The summation of the coordinates of a, B and C on the plane is (0,1), (1,2), (3,4) respectively, which shows that a, B and C are collinear
The coordinates of a, B and C on the plane are (0,1), (1,2), (3,4) to find the vector AB, vector AC, and | vector ab |, | vector BC |, | vector AC |, and to show that a, B and C are collinear. (here is all!)

|Ab | = root 2
|BC | = 2 times root 2
|AC | = triple root 3
Because the three vectors are proportional, they are collinear

The sum of the two numbers is 20.82. Due to carelessness, Xiao Ming moved the decimal point of one of the numbers to the left, and the sum is 11.64. What are the original two addends?

The sum of the two numbers is 20.82. Due to carelessness, Xiao Ming moved the decimal point of one of the numbers to the left, and the sum is 11.64. What are the original two addends?
The original two addends are 10.2 and 10.62 respectively