The sum of two prime numbers is 16 and the product is 55. These two numbers are () and ()

The sum of two prime numbers is 16 and the product is 55. These two numbers are () and ()

Decompose 55 into a prime factor: 55 = 5 × 11
So these two numbers are (5) and (11) respectively

Take any two of the four numbers 22, 28, 38 and 55 to form which coprime numbers? Please list them all

28 and 55, 38 and 55

What are the coprime numbers that can be formed by randomly taking two of the four numbers 22, 28, 38 and 55?

28 and 55
38 and 55
Only these two groups

Take any two of the four numbers 22, 28, 38, and 55 to form those coprime numbers. Please list them all

As shown in the figure, in △ ABC, D, e and F are the midpoint of AB, AC and BC respectively, (1) if EF = 5cm, ab = cm; if BC = 9cm, de = cm; (2) the median of AF and de in midline
What's the special relationship between lines? Prove your conjecture

(1) If EF = 5cm, ab = 10cm; if BC = 9cm, de = 4.5cm
(2) The midline AF and de are equally divided
It is proved that connecting DF and EF is the median line of △ ABC
EF is parallel and equal to 1 / 2Ab
So EF is parallel and equal to AD
So quadrilateral aefd is parallelogram
So AF and de are equally divided

A population of predicate singular or plural?
There is a population of 1.3 billion in China
How can the predicate verb be singular? Isn't it 1.3 billion after it, that is plural?
Why don't you just explain it. Thank you
In my opinion, the subject is population of 1.3 billion. ha-ha.
Maybe I got it wrong.
Is it because the front is a population of that the singular number is used? After all, there is an a. ha-ha.

A population of and the number of have the same usage. In translation, it is the number of population. There is only one population, so it is singular
In there be sentence pattern, the subject is the noun or noun phrase followed by it

If a (a ≠ 0) is the root of the equation x2 + BX + a = 0, then a + B=______ .

∵ a (a ≠ 0) is the root of the equation x2 + BX + a = 0 about X, ∵ A2 + AB + a = 0, ∵ a (a + B + 1) = 0, ∵ a = 0 or a + B + 1 = 0 ∵ a ≠ 0, ∵ a + B + 1 = 0, ∵ a + B = - 1, so the answer is: - 1

you should __ (put) the seeds in the soil


A square has a circular fountain, the perimeter is 37.68 meters, the area is how many square meters?

3.14 × (37.68 ﹣ 3.14 ﹣ 2) 2 = 3.14 × 62 = 3.14 × 36 = 113.04 square meters. A: its area is 113.04 square meters

Write words as required 1. Tall 2. Leaf 3. Flow 4. Rain 5. Down

1high 2leaves 3 flower 4 rainy 5 up