The sum of the three primes is 50. What is the maximum product of the three primes?

The sum of the three primes is 50. What is the maximum product of the three primes?

Prime numbers are odd except 2
If the sum of the three prime numbers is 50 and even, then there must be an even number 2
The sum of the remaining two numbers is 48
The closer the two numbers are, the bigger the product is. They are prime numbers, 19 and 29
Maximum product = 2 * 19 * 29 = 1102

There are three prime numbers whose product is 1001. What are the three prime numbers


The sum of two prime numbers is 26 and the product is 69. What is the difference between the two numbers?


Simple calculation of 12 × 18 + 80 × 12 + 98


It is known that the division formula of polynomial X & # 178; - 2x & # 178; + AX-1 is BX-1, the quotient formula is X & # 178; - x + 2, and the remainder formula is 1

So B = 1
So a = 3, B = 1

Class 1 of grade 1 of a middle school plans to use 66 yuan of work study income to buy three kinds of souvenirs (a, B and C) at the same time, which are 3 yuan, 2 yuan and 1 yuan respectively, to reward the students participating in the school's "Art Festival". It is known that the number of type B souvenirs purchased is 2 more than that of type a souvenirs purchased, while the number of type a souvenirs purchased is not less than 10, and the cost of type a souvenirs purchased is high If the purchase of souvenirs a, B and C costs exactly 66 yuan, how many of them are there?

Suppose the number of souvenirs A and C is x and y, then the number of souvenirs B is (x + 2), then 3x + 2 (x + 2) + y = 66, that is, y = 62-5x, X ≥ 10 and 3x ≤ 662, then x ≤ 11, x = 10 or 11, that is, two schemes: when x = 10, x + 2 = 12, y = 62-5x = 12

Factorization: n plus 2 power of a minus n power of 8A plus n minus 2 power of 16A (n > 2 and N is an integer)

Extract the common factor A ^ (n-2) to get: the original formula = a ^ (n-2) * (a ^ 4 + 8A ^ 2 + 16)
If you don't understand, please hi me,

24 × (3 / 4-7 / 12)=

=3 / 24 × 4-7 / 24 × 12

Cut a 1 m long rope into seven sections, each of which is several meters long; four sections are several meters long in total; and several sections are 7 / 6 meters long in total

Cut a 1 m long rope into 7 sections, each section is 7-1 m long;
The total length of the four sections is 7 / 4m, and the total length of the six sections is 7 / 6m

There are four numbers, add 3, subtract 3, multiply 3 and divide 3 respectively, the results are equal. The sum of these four numbers is 96. What are the four numbers
Don't use algebra, use formula

Because the results are all equal
So 96 / 4 = 24
The results were as follows