Let a be a prime number, B be a positive integer, and 9 (2a + b) (2) = 509 (4a + 511b) How to solve the problem 509 is a prime number, 2A + B is an integral multiple of 509, let 2A + B = 509k (k is an integer) Substituting, 9kk * 509 * 509 = 509 (509B + 2 * 509k) 9KK=b+2K=509K-2a+2K 2a=(511-9K)k Because a is a prime number, k = 1 or 511-9k = 1 (k is not equal to integer, exclusive) or K = 2 (a = 493 = 17 * 29, non prime, exclusive) or 511-9k = 2 (k is not integer, exclusive) So k = 1, a = 251, B = 509-2 * 251 = 7 There are a few things I don't understand 2a=(511-9K)k Why is k = 2 or (511-9k) = 2 or K = 1 or (511-9k) = 1 because a is prime How to verify "when 3 ≤ x ≤ 56, a must be a composite number", just write the above formula Is it unnecessary to say (511-9x) = 1 or = 2?

Let a be a prime number, B be a positive integer, and 9 (2a + b) (2) = 509 (4a + 511b) How to solve the problem 509 is a prime number, 2A + B is an integral multiple of 509, let 2A + B = 509k (k is an integer) Substituting, 9kk * 509 * 509 = 509 (509B + 2 * 509k) 9KK=b+2K=509K-2a+2K 2a=(511-9K)k Because a is a prime number, k = 1 or 511-9k = 1 (k is not equal to integer, exclusive) or K = 2 (a = 493 = 17 * 29, non prime, exclusive) or 511-9k = 2 (k is not integer, exclusive) So k = 1, a = 251, B = 509-2 * 251 = 7 There are a few things I don't understand 2a=(511-9K)k Why is k = 2 or (511-9k) = 2 or K = 1 or (511-9k) = 1 because a is prime How to verify "when 3 ≤ x ≤ 56, a must be a composite number", just write the above formula Is it unnecessary to say (511-9x) = 1 or = 2?

Let 2A + B = 509x (x ≥ 1), then 9 × (509x) ^ 2 = 509 × (4a + 2B + 509B) 9 × 509 × x ^ 2 = 2 × 509x + 509B 9 × x ^ 2 = 2x + B = x (9x-2) substitute B into 2A + B = 509x, then 2A + X (9x-2) = 509x, that is, a = x (5

Let a be prime numbers, B and C be positive integers, and the square of 9 (2a + 2b-c) = 509 (4a + 1022b-511c) and B-C = 2, then the value of a (B + C) can be obtained

Let a be prime, B be positive integer, and 9 (2a + b) & sup2; = 509 (AA + 511b) find the value of a and B

When B is even, the equation is even. When B is odd, the equation is odd. When a is even, a is prime. A = 2 (3 * 4 + 3 * b) ^ 2 = 509 (4 + 511b) 9b ^ 2 + 72B + 144 = 2036 + 260099b 9b ^ 2-260027b-1892 = 0 B (9b-260027) = 1892 B is a positive integer, so there is no solution

5-3/8” x 1-1/2” x 5-3/4”.
It's not a multiply sign in the middle, it should be*

5-3/8 x【( 1-1/2) x 5-3/4】
=5-3/8 x【1/2 x 5-3/4】
=5-3/8 x【2.5-3/4】
=4 and 11 / 32

Solving the equation of one degree with one variable
If the brackets are removed, the transferred items will be merged, and the coefficients of the similar items will be converted into one
What's more, I would like to ask how to turn coefficient into one?
PS: let's turn coefficients into one. It's better to list a few questions to understand

1.10 (x + 30) = 15x get: 10x + 300 = 15x get: 10x -- 15x = -- 300 get: - 5x = -- 300 get: x = 602.2.8 (x + 24) = 3 (X -- 24) get: 2.8x + 67.2 = 3x -- 72 get: 2.8x -- 3x = -- 72 -- 67.2 get: - 0.2x = -- 139.2

Implicit function derivation exercises
It is known that f (x) is a second-order differentiable single valued function, f (1) = 0, f '(1) = 5, F "(1) = 7. Y = y (x) satisfies the equation: F (x + y) = XY + X. find: dy / DX (x = 0), d2y / DX2 (x = 0),

Let x = 0 in F (x + y) = XY + X, then f (y) = 0. Because f (x) is a second-order differentiable single valued function, f (1) = 0, so y = 1. Then y = 1 when x = 0. If f (x + y) = XY + X is left and right, then f '(x + y) * (1 + y') = y + XY '+ 1

Factorization x ^ 3 + 8y ^ 3 + 125Z ^ 3-30xyz

Given the absolute value of (2x-1) + the absolute value of (3y-2) = 0, find X and y

The absolute value of (2x-1) + the absolute value of (3y-2) = 0
The absolute value of (2x-1) is 0, and the absolute value of (3y-2) is 0

If y = f (x) is a quadratic function and f (x) + F (2x) = 5x ^ 2 + 3x + 2, f (x)=_____ .
How do you do it?

Let f (x) = ax ^ 2 + BX + C. A ≠ 0
f(x) + f(2x)
= 5ax^2 + 3bx + 2c
= 5x^2 + 3x + 2
a = b = c = 1
f(x) = x^2 + x + 1

The known function y = (2m + 1) x + m + 3, if this function is a linear function and Y decreases with the increase of X, the value range of M is obtained

Function y = (2m + 1) x + m + 3 if the function is linear
Then 2m + 1 ≠ 0, M + 3 ≠ 0
Y decreases with the increase of X