Is 19930607 prime? Is the divisor of 19930829 prime

Is 19930607 prime? Is the divisor of 19930829 prime

Both are not prime numbers!
77551 and 1048991 are prime numbers!

If AB is decomposed into two prime factors: a = 2 * 3 * n square, B = 3 * 5 * n cube, then the greatest common factor of AB is () and the least common multiple is ()?

A = the square of 2 * 3 * n, B = the cube of 3 * 5 * n
The greatest common factor of AB is 3 × n & # 178; = 3N & # 178;
The least common multiple is = 2 × 3 × 5 × n & # 179; = 30n & # 179;

What is the maximum current that can be passed through when the voltage of 1.5 square copper wire is 48-64 V DC?

The current carrying capacity of the wire has nothing to do with the voltage. The current carrying capacity of the wire is related to the material, cross-sectional area and heat dissipation condition of the wire. The maximum safe current carrying capacity of 1.5 square copper wire is about 10A

As shown in the figure, two circular wheels are stacked against the wall. Given that the radii of the two wheels are 4 and 1 respectively, the distance between them and the tangent points a 'and B' of the wall is ()
A. 3M B. 5m C. 4m D. 2.5m

AA 'vertical wall is made through point a, BB' vertical wall is made through point B, AC ⊥ BB 'is made through point a, the radius of ∵ two wheels are 4 and 1 respectively, ∵ AB = 5, BC = 3, ∵ a' B '= AC = 4, so the distance between tangent points a' and B 'of the wall is 4m, so C

Xiaoming designed the circuit diagram as shown in figure a to measure the resistance of a small light bulb when it normally emits light (the resistance value is about 10 Ω). It is known that the power supply voltage is 6V, and the rated power of the light bulb
Xiaoming designed the circuit diagram as shown in figure a to measure the resistance of the small light bulb when it normally emits light (the resistance is about 10 Ω). It is known that the power supply voltage is 6V, the rated voltage of the bulb is 3.8V, and the sliding rheostat is marked with "20 Ω 1A".
(1) In Figure B, Xiao Ming connected the real object according to the circuit diagram. After closing the switch, he moved the slide of the sliding rheostat and found the small bulb__________ After checking, it is due to the wrong connection of a wire. Please mark "X" on the wrong wire in the physical drawing and draw the correct connection.
(2) If the range of voltmeter 0-15v is damaged, in order to complete the experiment, please use the original equipment to redesign a series circuit and draw the designed circuit.
(3) According to your design, re connect the circuit to experiment, close the switch, move the slide of the sliding rheostat to make the voltage expression number be________ 5. If the small bulb lights up normally and the ammeter reading is 0.4A, the resistance of the small bulb is______ Ω.

(3)2.2 9.5

1: 2: {9x-3 + 2x} + {- X-5 + 2x}

1: Square of 3x 2 - {- 2x 2} + {- 2x 2}
2: {9x square - 3 + 2x} + {- X-5 + 2x square}

In parallel circuit, R1 = 10 Ω, R2 = 15 Ω, calculate the total resistance


Press the natural number into the graph to form a pyramid
2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
What is the last number in line 50?
What's the first number in line 50?
What's the middle number in line 50?

Through this "pyramid", we can find that there is such a rule: the first line has one number, the second line has three numbers, the third line has five numbers, and the fourth line has seven numbers. Yes, that is to say, the nth line has n + (n-1) numbers. (1) find the last number of the 50th line, that is, find the total number from the first line to the 50th line. The 50th line has 50 + 49 = 99 numbers

In the circuit shown in the figure, the power supply voltage remains unchanged, and R is the constant value resistor. When the switch is closed, the small bulb L marked with "8V & nbsp; 8W" just lights up normally; if the constant value resistor R remains unchanged, replace l with another small bulb marked with "8V & nbsp; 4W". After the switch is closed, the actual power consumed by the small bulb when it works ()
A. Greater than 4wb. Equal to 4wc. Less than 4WD. Cannot be determined

According to the formula r = u2p, when the voltage is the same, the greater the electric power is, the smaller the resistance is; therefore, the resistance of "8V 8W" bulb is higher than that of "8V 8W" According to Ohm's law, the current in the circuit becomes smaller and the voltage at both ends of the resistance R becomes smaller, ∵ the total voltage in the series circuit is equal to the sum of the partial voltages, and the voltage of the power supply remains unchanged, ∵ at this time, the voltage at both ends of the bulb becomes larger, greater than 8V According to P = u2r, at this time, the electric power of the bulb becomes larger, greater than 4W

Please write down the key points clearly
