What are divisors and prime numbers?

What are divisors and prime numbers?

If a number is decomposed into two numbers greater than 1 and multiplied, then the two numbers are divisors of the number
If 8 can be decomposed into 2 × 4, then 2 and 4 are his divisors
Prime number: a number greater than or equal to 2, which can only be decomposed and multiplied by 1, such as 2, 3, 5

What is a divisor / prime number?

Both divisor and prime number are defined in the range of positive integers. Prime number is also called prime number. Prime number refers to the number with only one divisor and itself. The number of prime numbers is infinite. Prime factor is divisor: the factor of a composite number, and these factors are prime numbers. Divisor refers to all integers that can divide the original number, which is called the divisor of this number

A is prime, so a has only one divisor, right

Wrong. All prime numbers are two. One is self and the other is one

F (x) = ax ^ 3 + BX ^ 2 + 3x + 4, if divided by X-1, the remainder is 3. If divided by 2x + 1, the remainder is 6. Find a and B

The solution is a = 36, B = 32
If you can't divide polynomials, I can't help it

If the numbers represented by five points a, B, C, D and E on the number axis are - 3, - 9,8, - 7 and 2 respectively, then the origin must be at
1. Between ab. 2. Between CE. 3. Between CD. 4. Between ad

3. Between CDs

The third power (the fourth power of a, the N + 5th power of B) and the M-1 power of - 5A, and the 2n + 3rd power of B are the same kind of terms. Find the value of (M + n) (m-n)

Because they are of the same kind, the power is the same
So M-1 = 4, N + 5 = 2n + 3
So m = 5, n = 2
So (M + n) (m-n) = (5 + 2) (5-2) = 21

How to connect three 220 V heating tubes to 380 V power supply
Can you draw a specific wiring diagram?

It depends on how you connect it. If you connect it wrong, it will burn. If you connect it right, it will work normally

A / (Y-X) ^ 2, B / (X-Y) (x + y)

A / (Y-X) ^ 2, B / (X-Y) (x + y), and,
Common denominator: (X-Y) &# 178; (x + y),
a/(y-x)² =a/(x-y)² =a(x+y)/(x-y)²(x+y)

A series circuit of resistance and capacitor elements, the measured power P is 325w, the voltage is 220V, the current is 4.2a, the sum of resistance

Because? P = I ^ 2R?
So? R = P / I ^ 2
And because? Q = root (s ^ 2-P ^ 2)

Fractional, general,
To build a highway, team a has built 49 kilometers in 13 days, team B has built 45 kilometers in 12 days, and team C has built an average of 3 and 5 / 8 per day?
There are two lines of buses starting from the same station. After the two buses start at 5:30 a.m., when is the next time they start at the same time?
Three students set out from a to B at the same time. Xiao Gang said, "it took me 0.2 hours." Xiao Ming said, "it took me 8 minutes." Xiao Yong said, "it took me 1 / 10 hour."
Supplement to the second question
The first car leaves every four minutes
The second car leaves every five minutes

1. A: 49 / 13-45 / 12 = (49 * 12-45 * 12-45) / (13 * 12) = (4 * 12-45) / (13 * 12) = 3 / (13 * 12) > 0, so the efficiency of a is higher than that of B. A: 49 / 13-29 / 8 = (49 * 8-13 * 29) / (13 * 8) = 15 / (13 * 8) > 0, so the efficiency of a is higher than that of B