There are two prime numbers. The sum of them is 8, and the product is 15. What are the two prime numbers

There are two prime numbers. The sum of them is 8, and the product is 15. What are the two prime numbers

【3】 And [5]

If the square of a minus the square of B equals one sixteenth, and A-B = one eighth, find a + B

The square of a minus the square of B is one sixteenth

Mn (m-n) + AB (n-m)

The common factor is m-n

Given B-A = 6, ab = 7, then a & # 178; + B & # 178=

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It is known that the area of the parallelogram is 144cm, and the heights of the two adjacent sides are 8cm and 9cm respectively. Then the perimeter of the parallelogram is________ ?

The area of parallelogram = side length * height, the length of two sides are 144 / 8 = 18144 / 9 = 16, and the perimeter is (18 + 16) * 2 = 68cm

X-1 / 4 + 3 / 4 = 2


The tangent equation of the curve y = 12x cosx at x = π 6 is______ .

If the derivative of y = 12x cosx is y '= 12 + SiNx, then the tangent slope at x = π 6 is 12 + 12 = 1, and the tangent point is (π 6, π 12 − 32), then the tangent equation at x = π 6 is Y - (π 12 − 32) = x - π 6, that is, X-Y - π 12-32 = 0

How to solve the equation of 1.8 + 7x = 3.9


If the real number pair (x, y) satisfies x2 + y2 = 4, then the maximum value of XY is______ .

∵ x2 + y2 = 4 ≥ 2XY ∵ XY ≤ 2 if and only if x = y, take the equal sign, so the answer is: 2

It is known that AB is reciprocal to each other, CD is opposite to each other, and M is the largest negative integer. Try to find the value of M △ 3 + [4C + 4d-23] / [8ab-5]
