Let a be a prime number, B be an integer, and 9 (2a + b) (2a + b) = 509 (4a + 511b), find the values of a and B

Let a be a prime number, B be an integer, and 9 (2a + b) (2a + b) = 509 (4a + 511b), find the values of a and B

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What does divisor mean? Is prime factor prime?
There is another question to ask: there are two prime numbers, how many divisors are their products?

Divisor is the common factor of two factors
There are two prime numbers whose product has four divisors

For a three digit number, the sum of the numbers in the one digit number and the hundred digit number is equal to the number in the ten digit number. The number in the hundred digit number is 7 times larger than the number in the one digit number and the ten digit number by 2. See the supplement
For a three digit number, the sum of the numbers on the one digit and the hundred digit number is equal to the number on the ten digit number. The number on the hundred digit number is 7 times larger than the number on the one digit and the ten digit number by 2. The sum of the numbers on the ten digit and the hundred digit number is 14

Let the number on the hundreds be x, the number on the tens be y, and the number on the individual bits be Z. the following equation is obtained: x + Z = y7x-2 = y + ZX + y + Z = 14. The equation is solved: x = 2, y = 7, z = 5, so the number on the hundreds is 275. The first step is to nest y = x + Z into 7X-2 = y + Z to get 7X-2 = x + Z + z6x = 2Z + 2. The second step is to nest y = x + Z into x + y =

Square of 6A (B-A) - cube of 2 (a-b)

Square of 6A (B-A) - cube of 2 (a-b)



It is known that the line y = x + m and the ellipse x2 / A2 + Y2 / B2 = 1 (a > b > 0) intersect at a, B, and the midpoint of AB is m. m is constant on the fixed line y = KX. Can K be taken as - 2, - 1 / 2, 1 / 2? If not, explain the reason. If so, calculate the eccentricity e of the ellipse

Let the intersection be a (x1, Y1), B (X2, Y2), and the midpoint be m (U, V)
Then u = (x1 + x2) / 2, v = (Y1 + Y2) / 2;
It can be obtained by taking the intersection point into ellipse and straight line
x1^2/a^2+y1^2/b^2=1 (1)
x2^2/a^2+y2^2/b^2=1 (2)
y1=x1+m (3)
y2=x2+m (4)
Simultaneous solution
=> v/u=-b^2/a^2
If the midpoint m is constant on the straight line y = KX, then
For ellipses, there are a > b, ∩ 0

Seek detailed explanation complement, complement operation
For example: why is the complement of 9 00001001? If it is 109, what is its complement
How to calculate the complement operation? Please give more examples to illustrate my clumsiness,

The steps to solve the complement are as follows: (1) solve the binary format to get the original code; (2) if it is a positive number, the complement = the original code; if it is a negative number, continue to the next step; (3) except for the sign bit, each bit is negated; (4) add 1 to the lowest bit, and finally get the complement of the negative number

If the absolute value of the difference of X-Y + the square of the difference of Y minus 2 = 0, then x + y=

If one is greater than 0, the other is less than 0
So both are equal to zero
So X-Y = 0, Y-2 = 0
So x + y = 4

Given the tangent equation bit y-y0 = (x0-2) (x0 ^ 2-1) (x-x0) at any point (x0, Y0) in the image of the function FX, then the monotone decreasing interval of the function is

Let me have a try... From the problem, tangent slope k = (x0-2) (x0 ^ 2-1), then when k ≥ 0, the tangent direction upward, the function value gradually increases, the function monotonically increases (x0-2) (x0 ^ 2-1) = (x0-2) (x0-1) (x0 + 1) ≥ 0

Given 2x = 3,2y = 5,2z = 15. Prove x + y = Z
Mathematics problem: seeking great spirit
x。 y。 z。 Is the index

I feel that you should input the index
That is, 2 ^ x = 3, 2 ^ y = 5, 2 ^ z = 15
∵ 3*5=15
∴ 2^x *2^y=2^z
∴ 2^(x+y)=2^z
∴ x+y=z