The sum of three different prime numbers is 82. What is the maximum and minimum product of this number?

The sum of three different prime numbers is 82. What is the maximum and minimum product of this number?

And 82 is even, so there must be prime 2
The sum of the remaining two numbers is 80. The closer the two numbers are, the larger they are, and the farther away they are, the smaller they are
The maximum is 2 * 43 * 37 = 3182 and the minimum is 2 * 7 * 71 = 994

The sum of the three different primes is 82, and the product of the three primes is most likely 82(

Just look at it

The product of three different prime numbers is 385, and is?

And 23
Prime numbers are 5, 7 and 11, respectively

The product of three prime numbers is 385. What are their respective numbers?

385 = 5 * 7 * 11. Therefore, the three prime numbers are 5, 7 and 11, and their sum is 5 + 7 + 11 = 23. Because 385 can be divided by 5, there must be 5 385 / 5 = 77 among the three prime numbers, and 77 can be divided by 7, there must be 7 77 / 7 = 11, so the three prime numbers are 5 7 11, and the sum is 5 + 7 + 11 = 23

Given that the sum of the lengths of the right sides of a right triangle is 8, find the functional relationship between the area s of the right triangle and the length x of one of the right sides
Explain why the hypotenuse has a maximum or minimum value when x is a value

Let one side be x, then the other side be 8-x, so s = 1 / 2 * x (8-x) = - 1 / 2x ^ 2 + 4x, where x > 0
Let the hypotenuse be C, then C ^ 2 = x ^ 2 + (8-x) ^ 2, and simplify to C ^ 2 = 2 (x-4) ^ 2 + 32. So when x = 4, C ^ 2 takes the maximum value, C ^ 2 = 32, and then the value of C

The frame with mass m is placed on the horizontal ground, the upper end of a light spring is fixed on the frame, and the lower end is fixed with a small ball with mass M. when the ball vibrates up and down, the frame does not jump. When the pressure of the frame on the ground is zero, the acceleration of the ball is ()
The frame with mass m is placed on the horizontal ground, the upper end of a light spring is fixed on the frame, and the lower end is fixed with a small ball with mass M. when the ball vibrates up and down, the frame does not jump. When the pressure of the frame on the ground is zero, the acceleration of the ball is ()


Please write a question about the mixed operation of rational numbers. Add, subtract, multiply, divide and use the power once. The base of the power is negative. The result is 10
Please write a mixed operation problem of rational numbers and solve it. The following conditions should be met at the same time: (1) add, subtract, multiply, divide and use the power once; (2) the base of the power must be negative; (3) the result is equal to 10


Using the pulley block as shown in the figure to lift an object with a weight of 2000N at a constant speed, the tension acting on the free end of the rope is 625n, and the work done by the tension within 10s is 12500j. At this time, the mechanical efficiency of the pulley block is 80%? (2) If the pulley block is used to lift an object weighing 3500n at a constant speed, what is the tension at the free end of the rope?

(1) Total work w = 12500j, mechanical efficiency η = 80%, ∵η = w useful w total, ∵ w useful = w total, η = 12500j × 80% = 10000j, gravity g matter = 2000N, ∵ w useful = g matter h, ∵ H = w useful g matter = 10000j2000n = 5m, (2) according to the labor saving formula F = g matter + G dynamic n, ∵ g dynamic = nf-g matter = 4 × 625n-20

The sequence {an} is the arithmetic sequence, A1 = 1, an = - 512, Sn = - 1022, find the tolerance D

∵ an = a1 + (n-1) d, Sn = Na1 + n (n-1) 2D, A1 = 1, an = - 512, Sn = - 1022, ∵ 1 + (n-1) d = - 512 ① n + 12n (n-1) d = - 1022 ②, substituting (n-1) d = - 513 into ②, N + 12n · (- 513) = - 1022, n = 4, ∵ d = - 171

T1 = (1 / 2) ^ 2 / 3, T2 = (1 / 5) ^ 2 / 3, T3 = (1 / 2) ^ 1 / 3, then the order of T1, T2, T3 from small to large is
