Those two prime numbers multiply by 91

Those two prime numbers multiply by 91


91 = () multiply () and fill in the prime!
Come on, it's due today


The two cars leave at the same time and meet at 9 / 17 of the whole journey. The bus runs 45 kilometers per hour, and the truck runs the whole journey in 8 hours. Find the distance between the two places

When they meet, the bus takes 9 minutes and the truck takes 8 minutes. If the time is the same, the speed of the truck is 40 and the distance between the two places is 320

If the quotient of two rational numbers is negative, then the two numbers are a, and at least one of the positive or negative numbers B is negative C and positive D, one is positive and one is negative

The result of Da is positive, B is negative, C can be positive, C can be negative, 0d can be correct,

During the summer vacation, in order to experience the quality of life, the Xiaozhang family plan to travel by car every day. If the car travels 19 kilometers more than the original plan every day, it will travel more than 2200 kilometers in 8 days; if the car travels 12 kilometers less than the original plan every day, it will take more than 9 days to travel the same distance. So, how about every day of the car The range of the planned trip in days. (unit: km)

Suppose that the original planned daily journey is x km. From the meaning of the question, it should be: 8 (x + 19) > 22008 (x + 19) > 9 (x − 12), and the solution is: 256 < x < 260. So the original planned daily journey range of this car is 256 km to 260 km

-Three quarters plus one-third plus five sixths minus one-half equals?

yueyue123477 ,

Understanding of the sentence "everyone should build an ideal bridge in the mind" in the bridge of the mind

Everyone should have his own ideal and goal. If you build the ideal and goal on everything in your heart, you will succeed. You can be proud to say: "I am a person with ideal, because I build the ideal on my heart, so I am a successful person!"

Numerical problems of linear equation with one variable
A two digit number only has a sum of 9. If each number is added with 2, the number obtained is 5 less than 2 times of the original number. Find the two digit number

Let this two digit number be X. if you add 2 to each digit, you will add 22. For example, 26 will add 48. This is easy to understand, that is to say
It's 27
So the first sentence is a superfluous condition, and you write a wrong word
It should be "the sum of your numbers is 9."

A car can travel B kilometers in 3 hours. At this speed, how many hours does it take for a car to travel 960 kilometers?
If B = 360 km, how many hours does it take for a car to travel 960 km

360 △ 3 = 120 (km / h) the distance (i.e. speed) the car travels per hour
960 △ 120 = 8 (hours) the time required for a car to travel 960km
Or: suppose that it takes x hours for a car to travel 960 km. According to the meaning of the question, the formula is: 3: x = B: 960
When B = 360, x = 8

How much is the square of a + AB + 2A
Such as the title

The square of a + AB + 2A decomposition = a (a + B + 2), and because a + B = - 2, bring in = 0A, that is = 0