F (x) = ln (1 + x), when x →?, f (x) is infinitesimal Such as the title Thank you very much!

F (x) = ln (1 + x), when x →?, f (x) is infinitesimal Such as the title Thank you very much!

Infinitesimal is the point where the limit is 0

How much is five plus five plus six plus seven plus eight plus nine minus ten?


Number reasoning: 9 / 4, 3 / 4, (?), 12, 36
Will calculate you trouble analysis process. thank you!

Is your title wrong? It seems wrong,
Is it like this
4 / 9, 4 / 3, [4], 12, 36 - '

When an object is subjected to three common point forces of 2n, 4N and 5N, the minimum and maximum of the resultant forces are

The minimum value of resultant force is [0] and the maximum value is [11]
Pro, don't forget to adopt it in time. If you have any questions, ask them separately,

If the sequence is 1 / 2, - 2 / 3,3 / 4. - 4 / 5,5 / 6,..., then a general term formula of the sequence is an

Let BN = {1, - 1,1, - 1...} = (- 1) ^ (n + 1)
Let CN = {1,2,3,4,...} = n
Let DN = {2,3,4,5,...} = n + 1
Then an = BN × (CN / DN)

-(- 2 / 3) 4 cube

-(- 2 / 3) 4 cube
=-16 out of 81
Do not understand, you can ask, if it helps, remember to adopt
If you want to add other questions, please click to ask me for help after adopting this question. Thank you
I wish you progress in your study!

Write the following composite number in the form of multiplication of several prime numbers=


It is known that the sufficient and necessary condition of the true proposition: "the image of function y = f (x) becomes a centrosymmetric figure with respect to point P (a, b)" is "function"
We know the true proposition: "the image of function y = f (x) is centrosymmetric with respect to point P (a, b)" if and only if the function y = f (x + a) - B is odd
Let g (x) = x & # 179; - 3x & # 178;, and use the true proposition to find the coordinates of the image symmetry center of G (x)
I'm trying to correct the mistakes. I hope I can give a more standard answer,

Let H (x) = g (x + a) - B be an odd function, and then G (- x + a) - B is an odd function, and then G (- x + a) - B = - [g (x + a) - B (g (x + a) - b] \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\(?) 179; - 6x (?) 178

Find the rule: 22,18,20,17,18,16, (), ()

22 20 18 16 14
18 17 16 15
Fill in 16 15

How many natural numbers are there that are not multiples of any number in 3, 5 and 7?

100 / 3 = 33 plus 1, so there are 33 multiples of 3
100 / 5 = 20, so there are 20 multiples of 5
100 / 7 = 14 plus 2, so there are 14 multiples of 7
The common multiple of 3 and 5 is 15
100 / 15 = 6 more than 10, so 3,5 have 6 in common
The multiple of 3 and 7 is 21
100 / 21 = 4 is more than 16, so 3 and 7 have four in common
The common multiple of 5 and 7 is 35
100 / 35 = 2 over 30, so 5 and 7 have a common number 2
Natural numbers include 0
It is not a multiple of any number in 3,5,7
101-33-20-14 + 6 + 4 + 2 = 46