What are the numbers of 1,3,5,7,... 19911993, 199519971999 and 1,4,7,10,... 1990199319961999 appearing at the same time?

What are the numbers of 1,3,5,7,... 19911993, 199519971999 and 1,4,7,10,... 1990199319961999 appearing at the same time?

There are 1000 in the first group and 667 in the second group (334 odd and 333 even)
We found that,
The first set of numbers is all odd numbers from 1 to 1999
The second group of numbers is an odd even alternate, and all its odd numbers are included in the range of the first group of numbers
So the numbers that appear in these two groups at the same time are all odd numbers in the second group, 334 numbers

[urgent] 1 (1-2x + 9y & # 178;) (1 / 3x & # 178; - 5Y)
1 (1-2x+9y²)(1/3x²-5y)
2 (2a^2-1)(a-4)-(a^2+3)(2a-5)


How to calculate that x minus 0, 85x equals 3


Given that the function H (x) = 4x2-kx-8 is monotone on [5,20], then the value range of K is ()
A. (-∞,40]B. [160,+∞)C. (-∞,40]∪[160,+∞)D. ∅

The axis of symmetry of the function H (x) = 4x2-kx-8 is x = K8. If the function H (x) = 4x2-kx-8 is monotone on [5, 20], then the solution of K8 ≤ 5 or K8 ≥ 20 is k ≤ 40 or K ≥ 160, so the value range of K is (- ∞, 40] ∪ [160, + ∞), so C is chosen

A number divided by a fraction is equal to the multiplication and division of the number______ .

A number divided by a fraction is equal to the reciprocal of the number multiplied by the divisor

A quadratic trinomial with only letters, its coefficient of quadratic term is 1, the coefficient of primary term is minus 1 / 2, and the constant term is 3. Please write this polynomial


According to the current number of students, if each student is divided into three apples, then there will be 14 apples left, if each student is divided into five apples
Then the last student can only get 3 apples, how many students, how many apples
Salute the child first!

Three apples per person is 14 less than the total. Five apples per person is 2 more than the total
The total number of 5 hours is 14 + 2 = 16 more than that of 3 hours, 2 more per person
Number of people: 16 △ 2 = 8 (people); Apple: 3 × 8 + 14 = 38 (people)

The position of rational number a, B and C on the number axis is shown in the figure. Calculate | A-B | + | B-C | - | 2b-a|


One quarter plus three eighths divided by one fourth


It is known that the square of 4x plus 1 plus KX is the complete square of X. find the square of KX minus 2K plus 2

① When k = 4, K & # 178; - 2K + 2) = 10;
② When k = - 4, K & # 178; - 2K + 2 = 26